Being Stood Up

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Stephanie Johnson sighed. Here she was at the age of 18, her cerulean eyes filling with the tears she was doing her best to keep at bay, and her sunny tresses falling down around her shoulders.

It had been two hours since her so-called 'date' had texted her to give her the name of the place where she could meet him. She had dressed herself up in a way that she preferred to call "modest yet stylish," and had made sure to eat something a few hours beforehand in order to keep her energy up (just to be on the safe side). With hope in her heart, she had gone to where her 'date' was meeting her, imagining him to be standing there, his face lighting up when he saw her.

Now, she was still by herself. Only sixty minutes ago, she'd come to a realization that was simultaneously shocking and devastating: she had been tricked. He didn't really want to go out with her at all. 

In other words, it was a combination of the "No-Show" and the "Setup for Humiliation" type of the Prank Date (as she heard it was called, thanks to her having read about it on the website for TV Tropes and Idioms). The "Setup for Humiliation" meant that the date was a setup for public humiliation, while the "No-Show" was where the date had made it a point to not show up, and see how long his (or her) date would be waiting for him (or her). Of course, as she also knew, the "No-Show" was different from Stood Up, which was where the date had intended to show up, but was either late or otherwise unable to make it.

Well, in this case, it was definitely the former. He was waiting to see how long I would wait here for him to show up while he had a good laugh at my expense, me being the poor sap that I turned out to be. And to be honest, it looks like he succeeded, too.

Replaced by a Better DateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon