"The Search Continues."

Start from the beginning

  You Qi and Yang Meng contacted the police station. They spoke to the person in charge, gathered all the information they needed and set out on their quest. They drove to the location where the vehicle was last spotted and split up. You Qi went in one direction while Yang Meng went in the other. They agreed to meet up where the streets intersected with one another. Covering as much ground as they could in a short amount of time was the goal. 
  Yang Meng stopped in shops, homes, and even at the stalls that lined up some of the streets, showing everyone that he could find Ying Yue’s picture. “Have you seen her,” he asked, over and over, “are you certain,” he would say, and, “please look at her picture one more time to be sure.” 
  You Qi wore his darkest sun shades and tried his best to be helpful. He showed Ying Yue’s picture to everyone he passed in the streets. Some people shook their heads, others gave him a suspicious look, but checked the picture out and shook their heads. He had to admit that the people of Thailand were all very friendly and not a single person rejected him. He made a mental note to give back to the country in any way possible, even if it was to a charity. 
  Like two busy bees, they kept moving. Deeper and deeper into the cities they moved on foot. When they met up with one another, they exchanged intel and drank water to quench their thirst. The sun and humidity was very high, but they would not give up! 
  Two hours passed by and they were relentless in their search. When You Qi walked into a small shop, he showed Ying Yue’s picture to a group of teenage kids. One of them, a young girl, recognized him and freaked out. 
  “Shit,” You Qi said under his breath. 
  To his surprise, she composed herself quickly. She looked at the picture, shook her head and said, “If you send the picture to my phone, we can help you look or keep an eye out for her.”
  You Qi was smart not to fall for her tricks. If he had texted her the picture from his phone she would have been able to save his number and always have it. Instead, he said, “The picture of my friend is posted on the police website and is on every news page. But if you help me find her, I’ll be forever grateful.” 
  This made the young girl excited. She pulled up the picture of Ying Yue from the internet and promised to gather a group of friends to help. You Qi took a photo with her and she ran off happily. 
When the stylist arrived, he was escorted into Ying Yue’s room. The bodyguard shut the door behind them, locked it, and they looked at one another for a brief second. He turned to look around the room and she could tell that he was scared out of his mind. He didn’t ask any questions when he saw that the windows were sealed shut. “Where can we sit you,” he mumbled. 
  Ying Yue didn’t want to make a mess in the bedroom so she suggested the bathroom floor. He nodded and they entered the small bathroom. 
  “He wants me to cut it short and color your hair,” he said.
  She nodded and he got to work. 
  As time passed, Ying Yue saw that he was cutting her hair very short. She began to look like a boy. He put highlights in her hair and even small curls so that it puffed up around the top. Then he handed her a small box and instructed her to put whatever was inside. She frowned at him for a second, opened the box, and her eyes went wide. Gu Hai was really looking for her! 
  “He needs you to be dressed as soon as possible,” he said. He began to pack up his things. 
  She turned to him and said in a rush, “Help me!”
  He looked at her shocked, then kept packing his things into his bag. 
  “Please,” she begged.
  “I can’t,” he said. 
  “If you help me, I promise, you’ll become wealthy.”
  He hesitated for a second but kept packing. Xiaoping had threatened him before he entered the house. He couldn’t listen to her. His life would end, was the warning. If he tried to help her in any way he would be dead before he could leave the house. Xiaoping was paying him a lot of money for his services, even more for his silence. He shook his head.
  “A million or even two, it doesn’t matter, I promise you will be richer than you can ever imagine.” 
  He heard her words but still, he valued his life. He wondered if Xiaoping was telling the truth about her. She is a crazy and delusional woman, you must not listen to anything she says. Even though she is pregnant, we are trying to keep her safe and the baby, Xiaoping had said to him. 
  “I can’t. I’m sorry,” he said and got up to leave. 
  Ying Yue didn’t chase after him. She would not beg or plead. Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin were looking for her. Why else would Xiaoping want her to change her appearance? She looked down at the colored contact sitting in the box. It was grey, a color she would never use. What was his plan to get her out of the country? She knew that he wanted to move her to another location, far away from her family and everything she knew to be true and good. Knowing Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin, they were doing everything in their power to get her back and he was scared. 

"Are You Still Addicted?" Book One (Addicted Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now