On My Way

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I have posted this story up on a different website before, and I thought it did pretty well so I figured I would post it up here and see what happens :) I can get a chapter or more done in a day because it's already finished :D  Hope you enjoy.

                                                            xxxxxx JessiieeLovee


Jessica's POV

"Bye Sam! See you tomorrow at school okayy?" I said waving to my friend.

"Yepp, see you in Science"

I left Sam's house at 7. Justin and I were meeting at around 7:30. He was my best friend in the whole world. Yes, he was Justin Bieber but that wouldn't change our friendship. Whenever he was on tour, I would visit him whenever I can. I'm 15 and about 5'1. I have brown eyes, with a bit of green reflecting in them and  I have brown hair.

I grabbed my ipod and started on my way to his house. I put on "Iyiyiy" by Cody Simpson on. I lipsynched on the way there, and danced a little to myself.

I looked around. The streets were pretty empty, even though it was so early. That was so weird. I passed the park and saw a few kids swinging. Then I passed my house and saw the lights open in the kitchen, they mustve been having dinner. I wasnt going to eat at my house tonight though. Pattie invited me over to have spaghetti at her house.

Sam was my best girlfriend. I figured since Justin wouldnt be around for school anymore, I needed new friends. Thats where I met Sam. After Justin left I was kindof a loner. I mean I had friends, but none of them mathced to Justin.

I turned to corner to Justins street, and patiently waited for the light to turn green. When it finally did, I crossed the street and took my ipod out again to change the song.

I felt something grab at me, and so I started to scream. It put its hand over my mouth to cover me from screaming, so I kicked, and punched.

"Shut up you little bitch and get into the car!"

I fought, and tried to pull my self from his grasp, but it was no use. I was in this strangers car.

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