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"i'm exhausted" rose panted as she collected her things

"i couldn't agree more" i took my hair out of my messy bun and shook my head letting my curls fall loose.

"do you need a ride?"

"of course not i mean it's not like i rode here with you" i responded before taking a sip from my water bottle

"i'll take that as a yes" she said in a matter of fact voice. before we exited the dance studio, rose walked ahead and held the door open waiting for me

"what a gentleman" i smiled

"oh shut up" she rolled her eyes, walking through the door before me and letting go of it causing the door to slam into me

"rude!" i yelled out to her as she grew more distant

once i got into the car she put her keys into ignition and drove off

"have you responded to billie yet?"

"oh shit!" i exclaimed, once the witch yelled at us to get back into our positions, i couldn't text her back. she's even worse when she feels like people are disrespecting her, it's sad really

thank you, i'd love to be in your music video, text me the details

the car came to a stop and once i glanced up from my phone, i noticed the familiar buildings of my apartment complex. i didn't live far, i was just too lazy to walk

"thanks for the ride whore" i unbuckled my seat belt

"yeah, yeah just don't slam my door" she responded. i hopped out of the seat, grabbed my duffle bag and slammed the door before running into my house. i could hear rose cursing at me in spanish as i ran inside. i couldn't help but laugh

i opened the door and flipped on the light switch to my very cold apartment. i placed my duffel bag on the side of the front door and walked to my room

my body was sore and i wanted nothing more than to fall into a deep slumber, but a bath was much needed

walking into the bathroom, i twisted the knob granting access for the water to flow. i watched as it slowly filled its way to the top. while it filled i began adding soothing bath bombs and essentials to ease the soreness

i undressed myself and dipped my feet into the hot water. i slowly got in until my whole body was submerged underwater and almost immediately my mind began filling with thoughts of billie

i was more than nervous at the thought of being close to her. i smiled sheepishly thinking about her but suddenly my dinged snapping me out of my trance

how did dancing go?

it was exhausting

as soon as i sent the message, a notification that billie texted popped up on my screen and my heart began to flutter as a grin grew on my face. i wanted to open it immediately but i didn't want to look too desperate. i decided to wait a few minutes before clicking on the notification

could i facetime you?

my eyes widened at the message, facetime?

before my brain could register her text my fingers eagerly typed "sure" shit

incoming facetime call

i answered almost immediately


she was absolutely perfect, the way her ocean eyes pierced through mine as the dim light shined on her face was enough to make me melt

"hi" i smiled

"is this not a good time? i could call back"

"no it's fine" i responded before stepping out of the bath and wrapping a towel around me. i began to make my way to my closet

"what was it you wanted to talk about?" i set my phone up and dropped my towel before looking for an oversized t-shirt

the line stayed quiet a moment before she answered, "i-i can see you" billie stuttered, my eyes immediately shot to my phone and i was indeed in the frame. i ran out of the frame and faced my phone towards the ceiling

i could feel the heat in my cheeks rise as the realization that billie eilish just saw me naked kicked in.

"shit" i whispered to myself

i found an oversized shirt and placed it over my head. i didn't bother finding underwear or shorts i just felt like falling asleep as i listened to billies voice though i was embarrassed

i picked up the phone and walked up to my bed. i placed one hand under the pillow while my other hand held up the phone to my face

once my eyes finally caught billies i noticed her cheeks had turned a light pink tint. she shook her head as though she was trying to shake herself out of her thoughts and began to speak, "i was um saying..." she cleared her throat "there'll be a meeting in a couple days and you'll need to fly out here"

"fly out where exactly?"

"los angelos" she smiled, her smile was so bright i swear it could light up the depths of hell

"i can come tonight" i yawned as my eyes began to feel heavy

"i'll call you when your tickets are ready, sweet dreams" she bit her lip before hanging up the call

i released my phone from my hand and closed my eyes as the inevitable darkness swarmed my room. soon i felt myself drifting away

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