2 Off to my radomness again

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A few months after ceris recovered from last chapter

Patrick's POV

I was doin some paperwork when Lyra came bursting into my office-

Lyra- SIRE!

Patrick- what?

Lyra- the nether I-it's HERE!!

Patrick- go get azura!

Lyra- yessir!

I walked outside to see azura fighting off gahsts, Stella and rain fighting wither skeletons and pigmen

Also naeus ran at me I drew my sword ready to fight when he got distracted by ceris attacking him, I was about to help but-

Ceris- he's mine Patrick!

She said that kinda angrily

So I went to go help Stella and rain

Ceris's POV

Me and naeus dueled for a while

Naeus- you really think you can defeat me even after I defeated you in the end? HA!

Ceris- I was weakened by infernious and you know that!!

He then lunged forward slashing my chest hard, kicking me back and stabbing me through my stomach causing me to spit up blood

I managed to lift my sword and stabbed him through his neck killing him

But I fell to the ground and started bleeding out

That's when Stella came running over to me-

Stella- hang in there ceris please-

She said in a worried voice

Then I fainted from blood loss-

Stella's POV

I quickly ripped a piece of my shirt off and wrapped it around Ceris's wounds and hollered for someone to get a stretcher I kept pressure on her wounds

There was blood streaming from her mouth I was getting more and more worried by the second

But then they finally arrived and they took her to get medical attention

I followed them until they told me to wait outside the room-

3 hours later

The medics finally came out-

Stella- I-is she going to be ok?!

I asked worried

Medic- we have good news and bad news-

Stella- bad news first please-

Medic- ok, the bad news is she's still unconscious and she lost a lot of blood the good news is she is stable and naeus is dead-

Stella- can I see her?

Medic- sorry hun,  but no, not yet anyway-

Stella- alright....

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