Brown Guilty Eyes

Start from the beginning

''There is something you should know'' she whispered, trying hard to fight through the pain, and through teary eyes she admitted ''That building darling, it's where you belong, you are one of them'' she told you before taking one of her last breaths and speaking her final words. 

Unable to even comprehend her words, you completely pushed away what she said, grief consuming you for the next few weeks and the crushing feeling of being alone and drowning in all of your childhood memories, also a lot of regret of not spending more time when you tried to spend as much time as possible with her, always visiting her every single day and taking her on little trips over the weekends. 

For the first few weeks, it was hard, carrying on and going into work and trying to convince yourself that you aren't a lonely wreck, barely keeping it together. All your days looked the same, getting up with the same empty feeling in your chest, going to work, walking back home in the evening, and trying to ignore how unhappy you currently were and how quick life hit you in the face and being an adult suddenly sucked you inside this hole of responsibilities and solemnity. 

It seems like in the matter of one evening, one second really your life suddenly changed. Of course, it didn't actually change in that said moment but it sure led to a whole lot of change and your life taking a turn that you never expected, not when moving to New Orleans, not when driving past the strange building for the first time and not after losing your parents and still after years walking past the same street.

The feeling lingering in the air reminds you of that same night, the air cold and chilly, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. The same sky filled with stars and the moon shining, enlightening the quiet streets, with no one there but some cars sometimes driving by, their headlights causing you to squint your eyes and momentarily blocking out everything. You remember walking home that night after work, still feeling so crushed after your mother's funeral and feeling so lonely and barely being able to keep it together when everything changed. 

A light- it was just the simple switching off a light that changed your life forever. Just like every other evening, you walked home, listening to some music through your earphones and trying to block out everything, the cars, thoughts, and the world. But then you saw it, a light switched on in the usual dark building that you assumed to be abandoned and no one actually living there. 

Just like currently, you were standing near the white building, confused how you never noticed that people actually lived there but then your mothers words on her death bed hit you in the face like a slap from reality or your consciousness slapping you awake, telling you to finally open your eyes. And you did open your eyes, you even blinked a few times, thinking you must be dreaming because, in all of the years you have walked past that building or drove past it, you never saw a light or any indication of someone actually living there. 

And at the moment, when you saw a shadow in that same window, your mother's words suddenly repeated in your mind ''That building darling, it's where you belong, you are one of them'' you hear the words as if they are being said to you for the first time and you had no idea what to do. Of course, you debated whether to just walk up to the gate and ring the doorbell or knock on the door but what could you have said? what could you have done to not sound like a complete lunatic. 

In the end, you walked home, of course, you had to. But your mother's words didn't quite leave your mind, so in the end, you did the only thing that seemed logical. Googling the address and internally you slapped yourself for never thinking of this in the first place. There weren't a lot of results and only some dodgy-looking links, so you ended up abandoning your laptop and going to bed, too tired and exhausted to research this or letting it consume your thoughts any longer.

Cordelia Goode x Reader- TraitorWhere stories live. Discover now