✨Hungry, are you?✨

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I can't believe this.

You thought.

Your boots, crunching the snow beneath them as you made your way towards a dirt path. You didn't remember your home being so far into the forest. It seemed as if you were walking for what appeared like hours.

Your breathing was a bit heavy. You have been hiking for quit sometime.

I need to sit down for a moment.

You sat down on a dead tree trunk by the path, not to far off, a creak was heard. Flowing, slowly down the rocks, the snow covering some of them. Trees covered in white, you took in the scenery.

It had been some time since you've been back in your home land. Moving to the states was quit a big step for you.

You decided to move to a place where it was populated but you couldn't quit let go of that woodland scenery. Oregon is where you resided. Such a beautiful place. It did rain most days but still it held up to the energy you were use to.

But being here in the mountains of Romania really pricked your heart a bit. A sense of dread came over you.


You turned your head, quickly. Your heart almost could leap from your chest. A small animal most likely. You breathed deeply and exhaled.

Calm down. Don't panic. Remember why you're here.

You reassured yourself.

But a memory creeped it's way into your mind.

Just one if the many reasons you choose to leave this place.

Growing up in the village, you would always gather by your boarded up bedroom window at midnight. Growling and snarls were always heard but you never could quit make out what it was.

But a glimmer of steel would shine in the moonlight.


You were drawn to those deadly blades. Such beautiful pieces of steel would be crafted with such passion. You've always seen people with such weapons in the village. But the real question always puzzled you.

What was the growling at midnight? Why would this always occur?

You've always wondered and asked your father but he always said.

Never ask such things. These are matters that don't concern you, little one.

You would huff, pester him a bit more and be shooed away. But fear lingered. You were a child. How were you suppose to feel?

Why was it forbidden to ask questions?

"It doesn't matter now. mom and dad are gone now. I can't ask them what I always wanted to know" you mumbled out loud. Pushing yourself off the trunk, you wiped the back of your jeans and continued forward. The dirt path was a good sign.

Finally you would be reaching where you were born.

Or so you thought?

You seemed to have entered a run down village. This wasn't home. Crates smashed. Barrels broken. Livestock running freely, this place.

It felt different.

The air was paper thin you could cut it with a knife.

Swallowing dryly, you made your way through the muddy paths of the village. You could have sworn you saw someone watching you for just a moment.

But you shrugged it off.

No one was around.

Sweat creeped over your forehead as you struggled a bit to move a large piece of wood blocking your way. It wouldn't budge, sighing, your eyes scanned for another way to get around it.


You noticed a hole in a large metal gate to your right. Turning into a light jog, you made your way to the gate, kneeling down on your knees, you began to lay flat on your stomach. Beginning to army crawl through the hole. You wince.

A piece of the gate's metal cut your leg, you pulled yourself up through the hole, following with your legs. You looked at the gash and huffed.

"Damn it."

Crimson ran down your skin. Reaching into your coat's inner pocket, you retrieve a cloth and began to press it against the skin.


Your eyes darted up, observing your surroundings.

You weren't alone anymore.

A slight breeze blew loose strands of hair against your cheek. You remained still. Slowly, your hand slid to your belt. Along the leather, a knife was carefully buckled into it's holster. You slipped a finger underneath the button which kept the weapon sheathed. 


You turned around. Your eyes went wide.

There stood a man. A large man. His clothes, torn and tarnished from the harsh weather. His skin was almost a bluish grey colour. His teeth were not teeth at all! Fangs protruded, slightly as this man creature bared them towards you. He was looking at you with this look. 


This creature was starved and it seems you have been chosen to be his next meal.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" he roared. You unsheathed your knife and took a stance. This wasn't your first fight with knives or blades. You preferred them over fire arms any day. But this was your first encounter with whatever this man was. 

Within seconds, this creature leaped towards you. His dirty claws of his toes, digging into the dirt beneath him. It was charging towards you but a smirk played itself across your lips. You dodged to the left, quickly and kicked off your heel, running towards this beast but you weren't quick enough!


The creature brought friends.

Another had the back of your shirt, with one smooth swing, you were thrown backwards onto your back. A loud thud emitting from your body slamming to the dirt beneath you. 


Your lips parting, eyes wide in pain. You still clenched your knife, your eyes noticed it's leg by your hand, you rolled onto your stomach and pushed yourself up. You brought your knife up and stabbed it's leg, deep. It howled in pain, allowing you to quickly move away.

The painful howl was bringing more attention to yourself. This was not a normal village! This was not your home! Where have you stumbled?


Your world became shrouded in darkness. Your body dropped with a heavy thud. You could hear the growling of those creatures, gathering around you. A low chuckle was heard before you slipped away.

"Ohohoho this is going to be quit the entertainment!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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