Love and cuddles

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Izuku had been training most of the day, not being able to be with his boyfriend until later that night. When Izuku did get home, his boyfriend was at the kitchen table, coloring in a coloring book. Izuku walked over to his lover wrapping his arms around him. Kissing his head softly smiling. When Ejiro felt Izuku's lips on his head. He smiled widely. "Hey love! How was training?" Ejiro asked, kissing his Izuku's hands. Izuku just huffed and sat down next to him. "Long." Izuku replied. He had sleepiness in his eyes. Ejiro hummed and stood up. Gripping Izuku's hands and leading him upstairs to their shared bedroom. Ejiro had Izuku laydown on his side and Ejiro layed on his. The two males wrapped their arms around each other. Enjoying each other's company. Ejiro kissed Izuku's nose causing Izuku to giggle softly then yawn. Ejiro didn't want the moment that end, but he knew that they both would have the leave early in the morning for work. Causing Ejiro to let out a saddened sigh.. They kissed and cuddles for a few more minutes until Izuku fell asleep. Ejiro looked at his sleeping boyfriend. "I love you, Pebble." He whispered, with a final kiss to Izuku's head, Ejiro fell asleep.

It's short I know!! I'm sorry!! Give me ideas and I'll get straight to work, I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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