Chapter 1 - Clutching my cure

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Hisashi let out a small sigh, as he watched the other preschool children in his class bragging animatedly about their quirks.

The blue haired boy rubbed his throat absentmindedly, gazing over at the crowd of kids as he waited for his mother to arrive and bring him home. The first kid in his class had manifested her quirk at the beginning of the year, and slowly, one after another, the rest of the kids in his preschool were manifesting quirks one after another.

At this point, pretty much everyone had manifested a quirk of their own.

All except Hisashi.

The blue haired boy sniffed, and rubbed his nose. His nose was unbearably itchy, and he felt the urge to sneeze, but he just reached up and rubbed his nose, and the itchy feeling faded away.

Finally, the teacher-in-charge entered the room, dismissing the children, and Hisashi quickly grabbed his bag and ran out of the room. He quickly noticed his mother's light purple hair, and he ran up to her.

His mother let out a small smile, and reached down, gently patting Hisashi on the head, "How was school today, Hisashi?"

"It was... okay..." Hisashi slowly replied, turning around to watch as the other kids talked animatedly about their quirks to their parents as they walked out of the preschool. His mother turned to see what Hisashi was looking at, and let out a sigh. She squatted down in front of Hisashi, gently ruffling his hair, "Hisashi, you know how your father feels about quirks..."

"Ah... Mrs Midoriya?"

His teacher walked up to them, and his mother smiled back, "Ah, Oshieru-sensei! No need to be so formal, just call me Fuku. So... what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"According to our records... little Hisashi here turned four a few months ago, right?" Oshieru asked, and Fuku nodded, "Yes, but you understand our situation..."

"I know." Oshieru nodded sadly, "But this isn't something that you can avoid. It's now been recently mandated by the government; all children who manifest their quirks must have them registered by a certified doctor, and children who haven't manifested their quirks by the age of four have to be checked by a specialist in order to determine if they are truly quirkless, or just late bloomers. I'm not sure if there's some kind of penalty, just giving you guys a heads up!"

"I understand." Fuku nodded solemnly, "I'll talk to my husband about that when we get home."

"Alright!" Oshieru grinned, before she turned to Hisashi, gently ruffling his hair, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay, Hisashi? Take care of yourself!"

Hisashi nodded slowly, looking up at his nice teacher, before Fuku gently tugged her son towards the door, and out of the preschool.

"We both know that we don't have a choice, Moyasu." His mother sighed, "It's mandatory!"

Hisashi pressed his ear against the door, listening on as his parents argued. He was supposed to be asleep, but he had woken up when he heard his mother raise her voice, and he couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"I know! That doesn't mean I have to like it!" Moyasu shot back. Hisashi couldn't see what was going on, but he could imagine that his father was rubbing his temples in frustration.

"What's so good about all these damn so-called "quirks" anyways. We've survived for years without these damned superpowers." Moyasu grumbled, "It wasn't bad enough that we had a huge war over quirk usage and had darn vigilantes running around! Now, we also have government-mandated vigilantes? Now, everything is just "quirk this" and "quirk that"! That's just bullshit!"

"Moyasu, calm down." Fuku groaned, "The number of people manifesting quirks is exponentially increasing. Anyone with half a brain can see that. Obviously, the government would need a way to ensure that people aren't killing each other on the streets every other day! And if people are using quirks to commit crimes, then it makes sense to hire people who are proficient in using their own powers to stop them more effectively."

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