Draco Malfoy x Female Reader *Requested*

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This lovely imagine was requested by @JulzLovDracoMalfoy4Eva

Warnings: Crucio Curse (Torture) 

Category: Fluff/Angst

I walk through the door of Honeydukes with Harry, Hermione, and Ron right behind me. I laugh as I watch Ron and Harry grab armfuls of candy to buy. Hermione grabs a sugar quill and shakes her head at the two boys. I giggle at their childishness and reach into my bag and grab the green apple stowed away. I take a bite of the sour fruit and Ron says,"Careful Y/N you eat too many of those you might turn into a Malfoy." My face turns a slight pink at his words. Draco was actually the one who gave me the apple this morning after I missed breakfast. The Trio doesnt know this but Draco and I have been dating for about three years now. After Draco was attacked by Buckbeak I was assigned to watch over him and help him carry his things to his classes since we shared most of them. I was used to hating Draco because of how he treated the Trio but once we spent more time together I learned that he was just misunderstood and didn't know how to express his feelings. We started dating shortly after he healed but havent told anyone. I'm afraid the Trio might freak out and hate me if they find out I am dating Draco. I look over and watch as Ron and Harry pay for their sweets and we walk out of the store. We start our walk back to Hogwarts but just as we see the castle everything goes black.

I open my eyes and try to move but quickly realize I'm restrained to a chair. I look up and see the trio tied together on the floor. I hear an all too familiar cackle and immediately realize the danger I'm in. I look to my right and see the source of the laughter, Bellatrix. I pull on the ropes that are on my wrists and she just laughs again. She prances around and says,"I've got baby Black! Now she's gonna face the same fate as her father." Tears threaten to spill from my eyes as Lucius Malfoy walks in practically dragging Draco with him. Draco's eyes widen when he sees me and tries to step forward but his father pulls him back and says,"Not gonna happen Draco. This will show you what happens when you refuse to become one of us. Go ahead Bella." Bellatrix cackles with delight and pulls out her wand. She steps in front of me and puts her wand to my chest and whispers,"Crucio." My body starts convulsing and all I can feel is searing hot pain. My vision goes blurry and I can't help but think about my father. He died at the hands of Bellatrix but that is not my fate. Suddenly the pain stops and my vision clears. I meet Draco's eyes and he has tears in his eyes and a scared look on his face. He tries to look away but I say,"Look at me Draco. I'm ok. I promise. I'm fine." Hermione closes her eyes as Bellatrix casts the spell again but this time Draco knocks her wand out of her hand. He rushes over to me and scoops me up into his arms. He rushes over to the Trio and unties me. Just as we step out of Malfoy Manor I black out again.

My eyes flutter open and I take a deep breath when I realize I'm in my dorm. I feel a weight on my arm and look down to see Draco laying with his hand in my and his head on my arm. I smile weakly before running my hand through his platinum locks. This wakes him and he lets out a gasp when he sees that I am awake. He hugs me tightly and says,"Oh Merlin, I thought you were never going to wake up." He kisses my forehead and I ask,"Wait where are Harry, Hermione, and Ron?" As if on cue they walk through the door to my room and rush over to me. They all hug me and I can easily tell Hermione has been crying. She smacks my arm lightly and says,"You should have told us!" I raise my eyebrow and Ron says,"She is talking about you and Draco." I let out a soft,"Oh." Harry rests his hand on my shoulder and says,"She's right though. You should have told us. We're happy for you either way." I smile at him and say,"Thanks guys. I didn't think you would like the idea of us dating." Hermione shakes her head and says,"We could all tell how much he cares about you just by how he reacted when he saw you tied up. Plus he apologized for everything he's said and done. Y/N you two are honestly perfect for each other." I blush at this and Ron says,"Well this explains the apple." We all laugh and Draco says,"I know she just woke up but I still think she could use a bit more rest." The Trio nods and leaves. Draco climbs into bed with me and kisses my cheek before saying,"I'm so sorry. I never meant for you to ever get hurt. I refused being a Death Eater so I didn't hurt you but you ended up getting hurt anyways and I don't think I could ever forgive myself for that." I rest my head on his shoulder and interlace our fingers before saying,"I forgive you. It's not your fault everyone in your family but your mum is crazy. Plus in the end you're the one who ended up saving me anyways." He laughs lightly and says,"I love you, you know that right?" It's the first time those three important words have come out of his mouth. I smile widely and say,"I love you too Draco." 

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