14 1 0

"FUCK YOU" i screamed, slamming the front door behind me and running down the cracked, concrete steps. I was so done with him and all his bullshit. Tears streamed down my face, i used the cuff of my sleeve to remove them from my cheeks. Crossing roads and not caring to check if a car was coming my way, i kept running. I finally was there, i slowed my pace and walked over to where i usually rest. My knees gave out, my arms spread as i fell into the tall, wild grass. I sighed looking at the sky above. Nothing but clouds. This was my favourite place on earth, it was peaceful and blooming with stunning nature left, right and centre.  To my far left, the weeping willow swaying as the cool breeze hit its long arms. And directly opposite is where all of the birds tend to hover about. And to why im here now, my father. Another 'disagreement' i don't call them arguements because i never get a word in. I hate him. So much. 

Today it was 'i was giving him an attitude'. He'd asked me to wash the dishes and I'd replied 'i dont feel good'. He 'didn't hear me' so he asked again to which i replied the same i did the first time. I was slightly annoyed because i had to repeat myself and he obviously heard it in my voice and switched on me. Over dishes. The last thing i heard him say was 'OH YEAH, GO RUN OFF FOR A FEW HOURS. WE BOTH KNOW YOU'LL BE CRAWLING BACK HERE'. He used to hit me. Until i started threatening him. I was so lost in thought until i heard a voice next to me. I furrowed my eyebrows, slowly lifting myself up onto my elbows to peak over the thick grass.

"you think really loud" a boy who looked to be around the same age was laying directly beside me. Was he there the whole time? I heard him chuckle next to me. I sat up properly to get a good look at him.

"i-i dont understand, you weren't here when i arrived. I would've noticed. And even though i may've been deep in thought i would've felt you in my surroundings" I expressed, confusion clearly displayed in my tone of voice. He chuckled once more to himself, still laying down. Maybe im hallucinating? That was it. Im upset and i must be imagning things. I lowered myself back to my original place in the grass.

"why're you here?" He asked in a polite manner. Maybe if i talked to him he'd disappear.

"im always here" i replied, closing my eyes and breathing the fresh air through my nostrils.

"why haven't i seen you before then?" He chimmed. I could hear genuine confusion in his voice which made me wonder.

"because im just hallucinating, you're not actually here" I stated. He cackled, LOUDLY. The light from the clouds above darkened and i realised he was towering over me.

"im not a hallucination, but you're definitely distraught. the way you ran in here wasn't pretty" He declared before laying back, gazing at the clouds above. "You wanna talk about whatever that was?" He inquired. 

"No thanks" I made the decision to go home. After all, I'd rather be in my room than have the presence of a nosy stranger. I arose from the greenery and dusted myself off. "Well, i best be off" 

"Okay, I'll see you soon" He replied, flashing a smile at me. 

I shook my head before making my way 'home'.

A/n : This story is just to help expand my writing skills, its raw and just for fun :)

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoy writing it <3

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