CH. 01

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"Oi Yuji, I didnt bring you here to just sit there and do nothing." Megumi breathed out annoyingly, looking at him with a tilted head. After all, it was friday night — the night to calm down and forget everything that stresses you out which everyone seemed to know and use for their own good.

Everyone except... him.

Yuji scratched the back of his head, "I know Megumi~" he started with a shy smile. "school starts next week and I really didnt plan on getting wasted just because i drank too much-" "What do you mean?" Megumi interrupted with a confused expression.

"It's literally Friday night, Itadori!" He slammed his fist on the table and stood up, walking around the table to grab his wrist. "It's weekend and you should definitely enjoy yourself rather than drowning in worries about the semester that is about to start for fucks sake." Megumi angrily pulled him away from the table and guided him more into the crowd.

Normally Yuji was more the energetic person among these two. Megumi on the other hand... the complete opposite! Yuji was excited to try out new things. He loves it to be outside and do things with his friends, other than Megumi. He wasn't as energetic as Yuji. It kinda threw Megumi off that he wasn't energetic at all today, didn't fit to him.

Of course, that wasn't the most ideal place for Yuji either but he could still have fun here. That really bothered Megumi.

Yuji widened his eyes. Nonono please no not into the crowd I hate crowds- "Ah Megumi, this is fine really I- I can have fun with you guys at the table!" Yuji panickly began to ramble as the raven haired boy pulled him deeper into the crowd in the bar they were in.

Megumi let him go the second they arrived in the middle and quickly disappeared into the crowd when Yuji was busy enough to be distracted by the things everyone around him was doing.

Crowded places were one thing. But if people kept being all close and touchy... oh boy, did that make Yuji uncomfortable.

I can't believe they are grinding on each other... in public- ahh I don't wanna be here, why am I even here, why did I agree so come with them ahh I'm such an idiot 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。

Yuji quietly cried to himself, looking around to find a possible way out. He slowly took a few steps forward trying to get past a couple that, apparently, forgot they are not alone here.

God damn Megumi and his oh-so-brilliant ideas. Yuji snapped at himself, not paying attention to the other couple that was dancing to the beat of the music. He bumped into them while trying to get past the actual couple, gaining evil looks. "Can't you see we are dancing here?" They quickly spat out, "how come everyone can respect each other but you?"

Yuji quickly pulled away, his hands in the air. "Ah, sorry!" He apologised, walking backwards and bumping into someone's chest.

His expression quickly changed with fear in his eyes. Of course he had to bump into someone. What else, he thought. And to spice it up, the chest he bumped into felt like the person was training a lot.

"Please don't have the urge to fight me, please don't have the urge to fight me, please please please..." he whispered to himself as he slowly turned around to see whose chest it was.

Of all things, Yuji wasn't the person to fight even though he was pretty good in it. He didn't see the point in doing so unless others were in need or he had to protect himself.

After all, he lived by what his grandfather told him.

' You should use your strength to help others. ' And he did. Yuji lived by that day in and day out. Fighting a random guy in a bar he accidentally bumped into really didn't match with that at all.

"I am so sorry for bumping into you, sir-" "Hold on!" the stranger interruped Yuji, touching his lips to shush him. Yuji froze in place. Did... did he just- he. He just. He shushed me?! He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to push his hand away but the stranger didn't allow him.

The stranger sighed, making Yuji look up at him. "If you weren't such a sweet snack I would've carried you out already despite the chaos you've done here already..." he began to say.

Yuji tilted his head a little whilst listening, suddenly realising he is wearing sunglasses.

How can he even see everything so clearly when he's wearing sunglasses inside at night? ( ̄  ̄|||)

He scratched his head, looking up to the stranger that was still talking to him. That's so ridiculous- wait.Yujis eyes went big. "Did he call me a sweet snack...?" he quietly said to himself, earning a light hit on his shoulder from the stranger.

Yuji bowed, "Ah sorry I didn't mean to zone out and ignore you-" "It's okay I will forget about it all..." Yuji sighed in relief. At least that is something after all the anger I earned from the people here that tried to enjoy their free time. He lightly scratched his head, ready to thank him for being so thoughtful. As he opened his mouth, he got shushed again, curiously looking at him.

"I forget about it all, if you spend the night with me." the stranger said to him, causing Yuji to blush like a red fire hydrant.

Yuji had to process what he just heard from that random stranger. He couldn't believe it, not even for one second. One night stands never were an option to him.

It didn't fit to him. Yuji was more of a romantic person. He liked the idea of meeting that one person that fits to you like a missing puzzle piece. Someone that would always be by your side, no matter how hard the times would be. A person, that would know that you're not doing well and help you through the hard times.

And now he was here, in a semi uncomfortable situation (because of Megumi) with a random guy that wants to spend the night with him.

Great... Yuji thought to himself but got quickly interrupted as the stranger waved his hand directly before Yuji's face.

This guy's kinda annoying... (¬_¬;)

"Got what I said?" the stranger asked Yuji, smirking at him. "Or did you already thought about me and how nice my body would feel under your fingertips?" he whispered loud enough for Yuji to hear which caused the pink haired boy to choke on his own air.

His face began to heat up as he tried to control his thoughts. It's just a man that regularly works out- he reminded himself, nothing more. Just a normal guy.

"L-listen-" Yuji took a deep breath, ready to tell him his view on the whole situation. "I am not that type of person that has one night stands with random people-" he began to rant fastly, "- let alone a guy that I barely know!" He threw his hands in the sir, gaining a small laugh from the stranger.

Yuji crossed his arms, looking at him with a 'the-fk-is-so-funny-about-that' look. This guy really had the nerves! Acting like he actually owns this place... Yuji shook his head.

The stranger was about say something as another guy, in a fancy suit and a pair of weird looking sunglasses came out of nowhere and began to talk to him. Though, it sounded more like a lecture rather than a normal conversation, Yuji noticed.

Also, what's up with these guys wearing god damn sunglasses inside?! (ノ°益°)ノ

Yuji couldn't understand everything of the conversation they had due to the music and the voices, except for a small aggressive: "don't fuck it up!" He furrowed his eyebrows. I wonder what he has done that his buddy is so angry at him...

A few minutes passed before the fancy-suit guy left, which made Yuji realise that he had the chance to disappear into the crowd and go back to Megumi, leaving that weird stranger alone.

He looked into his direction, quietly cursing at himself as the stranger approached him again.

"Where were we, beautiful?" he said, making Yuji blush again. He couldn't believe how straight forward that guy was. The stranger smirked, reaching out to Yuji's wrist. "Let's go somewhere private, shall we?" He pulled him out of the crowd, towards a door with a sign that said "staff only".

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