Hands Off Tobio!

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Graduation, in Tooru's mind, had always been as a stepping stone towards his dream in his mind. He would miss his old teammates as well as the perks of being a high school student (goodbye under 18 discounts) but in the end, it was a necessary step for him.

But now he almost wants to repeat another year just so that the damn obnoxious twin would stop being so touchy and act so close to his Tobio!

"How many times do I have to tell you to get away from my Tobio-chan!"

He roughly grabbed Tobio's arm and possessively curled his arm around him as he glared at the grinning twins; Miya Atsumu and his younger brother, Miya Osamu. Honestly, they are both equally annoying but Atsumu's smile, in particular, made Tooru want to shove volleyball into that damn mouth.

"Oho? My Tobio-chan? Since when did Tobio-kun become your property?" Osamu said, his face blank but there's a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"That's right~ I'm pretty sure that Tobio-kun is not anyone's property, Oikawa-senpai~"

The mocking tone he uses in senpai only made Tooru's blood boils even more. It's only when he feels Tobio tapping on his arm that his anger diminishes a bit.

"Um, Oikawa-san, you're making it hard to breathe,"

"Oh! Sorry..."

He quickly releases Tobio who was scowling cutely at him, "And Miya-san is right. I'm not your 'Tobio', Oikawa-san,"


It feels like he's being stabbed and someone just repeatedly kicks the knife to go in deeper into his heart. He can hear the nasty Miya twins laughing so loudly that now they have garnered the attention of everyone in the hallway. He glared at the twins who are now both putting their arm on Tobio's shoulders.

"You're killing me, Tobio-kun! That was amazing!"

"I'm not doing anything though?" Tobio is looking at them confusedly which only causes them to laugh even more until the bell rings, signalling the end of lunch break.

"Ah, I'll be going back to class now. Thank you for the notes, Oikawa-san," Tobio bows and gratitude and Tooru was really tempted to just ruffled the boy's hair until the straight silky black hair sticks up everywhere.

"Ah, no problem Tobio-chan! Anything for my adorable junior~"

Tobio blushes a bit at the 'adorable' comment and Tooru smirks victoriously. The twins, however, kept on smiling as their arm never left Tobio's shoulder.

"Well, let us accompany you, Tobio-kun,"

"Yeah, our class is on the same way anyway,"


They look at Tooru with an evil grin and speaks together, "After all, first-years and second-years still have one more year together~"

The one who repeatedly kicks the knife into his heart must be the Miya twins but now not only are they gleefully stabbing him, they're now rubbing the salt in his wound.

Tooru's hand clench into a fish as he trembles in anger as the twin stuck out their tongue at him and turn their back with their hand still on Tobio.


"Shut up, Shittykawa!"


Let's rewind a bit, shall we?

Oikawa Tooru was blessed with good looks (thanks mom and dad) with a personality that naturally attracts people around him. For the people around him, Tooru is someone with an attractive face, personality, and talented in both academics and sports.

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