Living in the Grave Yards - Ojo Benjamin

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We are the Earth Toilers
We struggle to survive everyday
We are the labourers who lives in the Grave Yards
After the nine-five Err'day

We are the Earth toilers
Whose right has been deprived by the faraway controllers
But the unwashed,whose gain is tantamount to peanuts has no where to lay
As the only Available refuge is the inherited grave yards

We are the solitary reapers
Whose happiness is in the Afterlife
Where there will be no more oppression
A place where the unwashed will be equal with the bigs.

We are the Earth Toilers
Who has been resurrected from our grave yards
To a place of forever comfort, away from all our blood drained away by our own blood, who failed us
We are the Earth toilers, who labour in vanity
But we are the Most Happy in our new home, where Happiness is till Eternity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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