Intoduction (๑・̑◡・̑๑)

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Hi! My name's Wraith, and uh, I'm an amateur artist and an aspiring creative writer (?) who happened to fall down the rabbit hole of Sabre's content around 4 years ago while revisting a few old FnaF Mc roleplays that I had previously been a fan of when I was a little kid. 

Since then, I've become a really big fan of Sabre's content and have watched a majority of the serialized roleplays he's made. It's been really awesome seeing all of the cool stuff this little indie youtuber mc filmmaker man has been able to create over the years, and I'm looking forward to seeing how he'll continue to do so! :)

Now, uhhm, although I take my breaks from it at times, The Steve Saga has consistently been my main fandom for the majority of that time since I find the story conceptionally fascinating and I adore what we see of the characters, even if for some of them what we see isn't very much. It might not be totally apparent because there's distressingly only a very tiny bit of the Steve Saga fandom still active in the general FMS fandom now and I also don't wanna reveal too much about my more subtantial ideas regarding it, but yeah. Love that funky little 500+ episode long monster of a roleplay.

Now mmmm anyways, I plan on posting memes, theories, observations and other similar things here. Once again, I probably won't be posting anything that hits too close to my personal headcanons aside from some theory posts that might touch upon my ideas since this is an anonymous alt account and I'd rather wait to get back access to my main and put it all there. 

Also, I've been posting on tuesdays just 'cause in general it happens to be a pretty good day for me to come on (Don't worry about it-). Also, I'm gonna be putting tags on this books for his roleplays as I add chapters that are sufficiently relevant to that series so don't worry too much about not being able to find ANYTHING in this book that's relating to the tag that you were looking through, since I know that that can unfortunately be a problem with multi-fandom books like this hghgh- 

Annd, I think that's all I wanna say? I'll just edit this if I want to say something else, lmao. I'm sorry is this feels disjointed. I'm not very articulate and I tend to be a bit clumsy in explaining things without it devolving into complete rambling so things I write can be. Not pleasant to read. I'm starting out on a writing course and learning how to write articles and write reviews is a part of it, so hopefully I'll be getting better at that haha. Enjoy this book ig. (*・ω・)ノ

The ramblings(?) of a FavreMySabre fanWhere stories live. Discover now