Top 100 Most Random Things To Say

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These are some things that you could say in a conversation and people would either crack up or be like 'what the heck?' They have been tested by me because I love making awkward moments! Those of you who know me wil know what I'm talking about.  XD

(tip: more effective if said in a random voice!) 

1. Why the hell do you have a lady bird on your butt?

2. Anyone in the mood for a load of CHICKEN!?

3. Can you smell my fart?

4. I discovered that frogs are herbivores!

5. What in the name of fudge is that on you knee!?

6. Banana chutney

7. Hocus pocus my ass!

8. OMG! It's moving!

9. LOL! It's moving

10. Jeepers Mr! You're really strong!

11. How dare you touch my light bulb!

12. Heeelloooo Aaaamerica!

13. I'm 72!

14. The philosophy of science is blue


16. Frizzle........ POP!

17. Note Book crieteria

18. Are you my uncle?

19. Are you my second cousin?

20. Roses are red, violetts are blue. I feel constapated, I might go and poo! 

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