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"Mom, were going for our run" I said sliding on my running shoes along side my sister. "Okay, just be-" "be back before breakfast" we both said. "We know mom" Sammie said opening the door. "Love you both". She said blowing kisses at us.

We were running at the same pace. I asked a question to my sister. "Is it just me or is mom's Japanese getting better". She nodded. "She's been reading alot of translation books and dictionaries. She's even making more trips to the library". "Wow, she must be really trying hard." She nodded. We turned the corner and something came to mind. "Hey I almost forgot to tell you and mom but, I recieved 2 more scholarships for baseball." "Or really, that cool." She said glancing at her watch. "Time to go?" I asked. "Yup".

As I opened the door i smelled my mom's delicious cooking. Pancakes, grits, eggs, and bacon for Sammie and 2 bowls of rice, miso soup with natto for me. "Mom, this looks great like always." "Thank you for the meal" we all said. As we were eating Sammie blurted. "Kaiyo got 2 more scholarships." Mom's face became bright. "Oh my baby is wanted by everyone. How many is that now." "13" I said. "Ahhh. I'm so proud".

"Yo brother have you made a decision tho." I drunk some water. "Its between 4. But I need help with finalizing it". Mom stood up with her dish. "You bet cha, will get it done when you come home from practice. Now go get ready for school. It's only one week left." She said washing the rest of the dishes. "Yes ma'am" we said in English saluting. We bursted into laughter. 'If only dad was still here.'

I walked up to my room and took a shower. Once i was done getting dressed I walked downstairs with my backpack. "Turn" mom said. She put both my bentos in along with a snack in case I get hungry at practice. "Stop growing. Stay my little baby. Pwease." She said hugging my chest. She was a little shorter than me and my sister. I am the tallest tho. "Okay mom. I gotta go." I said with a huge smile. "Love you baby." "Love you too mom".

After school and practice.

"So I took a look at the 4 you chose and I think you should choose between these 2." "Inashiro and Seido" "Yes. But I dont think red would look good on you. But it's up to you". I nodded.

"Hmm. Inashiro. Pros. Good pitchers, balanced line up, good defense, scary looking coach. Cons. Too good. They wont need me since they make it to nationals alot." Mom nodded.

"Seido. Pros. Manag- ow" "dont be such a boy" mom said pinching me. "Sorry. They have a good beginning lineup but the bottom is pretty bad. No ace. Nice defense. And I heard they eat 3 bowls of rice every day." "Ouu that sounds great for you. With all this muscle they should feed you properly" I nodded.

"So it looks like Seido is the right choice" I said. Mom just nodded her head like a child. "Mom, no disrespect but you are a very childish woman." "I know" was all she said.

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