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The subtle breeze washed over the land, rustling vegetation, knocking over light objects, and flowing the hair of those outside. The night sky twinkled with stars bright enough to be like little nightlights for the ones afraid. Afraid of the night. Afraid to be alone. I smile as another breeze pushed my slightly messy hair to the side. I sat on the swingset I had outside and stared out into the sky. The full moon was slightly covered with the clouds but not enough to stop it from reflecting light.

Ninjago had been healing since the whole Sons of Garmadon and Oni incident. The city has been fixed and all of the SOG members have been arrested. Though what worries me is that Lord Garmadon is missing. No one has seen him and he could come back at any moment. Except he hasn't. Not one incident has happened that involves him. But, it didn't matter. Ninjago has become safer without him or the SOG. Life has gone back to normal. Or as normal as it can be in Ninjago.

I sigh and look at the stars. I wanted to find the perfect one to wish on. I've always wished on stars, they just feel lucky to me. But my recent wishes have not come true. Perhaps because they are the same? Or maybe it's not the time for them to be answered. I found a star that was in the middle of a cluster. It wasn't shining as bright as the others but it felt perfect. The other stars were around it but not close enough. There was a small gap between the stars. Only one other star was close to the one I picked. 

I looked at the star, closed my eyes, and wished my wish as I have done for weeks. " Dear star in the night, I hope you answer my wish with love and hope. I wish for someone who is right. Right for me, right for love. One that will stay with me loyally. Even if it is difficult at first, give me a sign of who he is. Oh star in this lovely night, won't you answer my wish tonight?" I opened my eyes and stared back at the star I wished upon. The star seemed to glow brighter for a moment. " Thank you," I whisper before getting up.

 I glanced at the sky one more time before heading inside my house. I lock the backdoor and make sure all doors and windows are locked. I walk to my room and turned on the fan. I laid down in my bed and pulled the covers over myself. I thought about the star and my wish. I believe it will come true. I'm hoping so. But I have to wait. I turn over onto my side and closed my eyes. It took a bit but slowly I began to drift off to sleep.

I woke up to a knock on my front door. I got up sleepily and left my room. I yawn as I approach my front door. I open it to see a kid outside. I recognized this kid. It was my neighbor's kid. " Hey Axel, what's up bud?" I bent down to his height. " My mom wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner at our house!" The kid happily asked. I smile, " Tell your mama I said I'd love to." I stand up. " Would you like a cookie Axe?" Axel happily shook his head and came inside. I shut the door and we walked to my kitchen.

I got out a container of homemade cookies and gave five to him. " Give one to your siblings and parents ok," I closed the container. Axel nodded, " Thank you Ms. (Y/n)!" " It's no problem, go run home now and hand those out. Tell your mom I'll bring dessert tonight." I stretch. Axel nodded once more and went to the door. " I will, bye Ms. (Y/n)! I'll see you tonight!" He waved and opened the door to leave. I said goodbye and the door clicked shut as Axel ran home.

I smiled and set some water to boil before going to my room to change. I wore some shorts and a cute blouse. I went back to my kitchen and poured the boiling water into a cup and added a teabag. I pick up my cup and went outside to the front. I sat on one of the rocking chairs and slightly pushed the chair with my foot as I drank my tea. I looked over to the other rocking chair on the left of mine. I frowned at its emptiness but smiling knowing that soon, someone will be sitting there. Someone that is meant for me.

I finished my tea and cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeder. I cleaned and replaced the birdbath water as well. I got my watering can out and watered my hanging plants. I then plucked out any weeds that I was able to see which took a while since I had many plants in the front yard and the back. It wasn't that hard since there was barely any due to me always plucking them when I see them, and I check every day. I sigh and sit back on my rocking chair when I was done. I completed half of my daily routine. I still needed to go to the market though.

I decided to do it later and watched the birds flew by. A few hummingbirds stopped by the feeder and ate from it. I watched a few other small animals ran by as well. After a bit of watching nature, I got up and went back inside, taking my cup with me. I lock the door and put my cup in the sink before going to my room. I picked up a small backpack and put my wallet and keys in it. I put it on and walked to my garage. I unlocked my car and went inside. The garage door went up and I backed out.

I drove away from my home and to a nearby market. Thankfully, more stores were set up outside of Ninjago City so I didn't have to go to those. They are nice but the city is farther out. It took a bit but I soon parked in the parking lot. I grabbed my backpack which I had placed on the passenger side. I put it on once more and got out of my car. I walked to the store and entered it. I smiled at the nice cool AC. 

I grabbed a cart and walked around. I went to grab more bandaids since I had run out of them. I took a moment to look at the pool stuff and got those circle, ring floats. I don't own a pool but I like going to the lakes. Plus it was only a couple of dollars. I started my actual shopping for groceries. I got my normal things as well as more sugar to make macarons. I got popsicles as well because it's hot outside. 

I finished up my shopping, paid, and put my bags into my car. I took the popsicles with me and went to the driver's side. I noticed a piece of cloth on my windshield wiper. I already knew what that was about so I got in and locked my car instantly. I drove away and decided to go through a fast-food drive-through since I knew they had slushies on the menu for summertime. I ordered one as well as some fries.

I got my drink and fries and started to drive home. I munched on the fries and the drink as I drove. I wondered what flavor I should make the filling of the macarons. I could raspberry, blueberry, maybe chocolate, or vanilla. So many options! I am most familiar with raspberries so I'll probably do those. With a bit of red food dye for the cookie part and it will be so cute! 

I soon got home and parked in the garage. I took out the food and put it all inside. I put away the stuff that needed to be in the freezer first before doing the fridge then pantry stuff. Once everything was put away, I sat on my couch with the remainder of my fries and slushie. I turned on the Tv and went to the news. It was the normal news. Covering the weather and what's happened recently. I changed the channel and watched for a bit before getting up. I went to my kitchen and looked up my favorite recipe online to make macrons. I hope my neighbors like them. They always do.

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