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Start from the beginning

From there on, the hiders ran from a hidden passage. They both arrived at the armoury room, grabbing objects of the necessary.

“I had a dream, professor.” Caspian informed once he strapped on a chestplate.

“Save it for later.” The bearded man snatched up a cape, attaching it to the back of the prince. He wanted to listen to what the boy had to say but there was little to no time.

“N–No, it's urgent. It was different this time.” Moving away from the room, they rushed quietly through the hallways, staying hidden from plain sight.

Once they successfully reached the stables without getting noticed, they instantly went to one horse in particular. “I'm sure it's just another one of those where the fox will be late—”

“Professor, it spoke,” This seemed to have grabbed all the attention of Cornelius, urging the boy to explain further. “She told me to wake up because there was an approaching danger.”


“Yes, it was female. I even asked for her name yet she only vaguely told me I'll know soon.” A spark of memories lit up in the mind of the old man, his hand involuntarily reaching behind his beard to touch his pendant.

Now mounted on his horse, they travelled to an opening of the place. The professor looked up at the boy, his eyes flickering to a ring on the boy's hand. “You must make for the woods.”

“The woods?” Caspian got confused, still in a daze of his recent mind travels.

“They won't follow you there,” Cornelius then reached into his satchel, picking up an object covered by a white cloth. “It has taken me many years to find this. Do not use it expect at your greatest need.”

“Will I ever see you again?” He pocketed the item, hands still gripped tightly on his comfort accessory.

“I dearly hope so, my prince. There is so much more I'm meant to tell you,” The man looked almost longingly at the boy, a parental aura surrounding him. “Everything you know is about to change.”

At a certain distance, a voice yelled out an order to close the drawbridge. It alerted the two males, the older man hurrying the younger one to go on.

Before the boy could ride off with his horse, he patted the hand of the boy. “Wear the ring,” With that, Caspian lurched ahead, not getting to question the suggestion. “Now go!”

Cornelius eyes followed the leaving figure of his student, hands going back to hold his necklace nervously. “Please guide him well, Your Majesty.”

In the hands of the boy was a ring attached to a rope of a necklace. For years of his generation, it has been passed around as an heirloom. But no one in the family ever had the power to even wear it, for it would adjust in size whenever they attempted to fit it. Hence they had just placed it on a metal rope to pass it as a necklace. Yet as the doctor heard of the boy having dreams of a fox, his heart leapt in his chest as hope filled his system.

Because finally, someone had the dignitary of having to utilize it. He knew the boy was a special case, that he always had it in him to have a chance with the accessory due to the lady's familiar personally visiting him in an augmented reality. And up until this day, Doctor Cornelius finally confirmed, that Prince Caspian was a boy of honour that made him worthy of wearing the Amity Ring.

By now, the boy had reached beyond the gates. He had passed the guards who attempted to stop him, crossing the bridge with much haste. He momentarily halted however when fireworks lit up the sky by the castle. A loud announcement of a son being born echoed in the vicinity, the boy's fear finally coming true.

Caspian immediately continued rushing forward when a herd of soldiers came out from the gates. He passed the bridge, over the large open field until he finally reached the entrance of the woods.

Then he reached a mountain side, riding along with the whispers of the wind. The night was young, the moon's gaze witnessing the whole situation. Until the boy reached a lake, he passed through it despite the uneasiness of trudging in water. On and on, he speeded away to the depths of the forest, looking as if it was a place to be feeling safe.

His hands then raised slightly, still gripped on the reins of his mount. He swiftly took out the ring off its shackles from the necklace, doing his very best in not falling while attempting to wear it.

When he successfully did it, a huge feeling of security flooded into his system. It flowed freely around him like it was a shield of some sort, blanketing his body with the most comforting feeling he's ever experienced.

But because of his short distraction, he failed to see beforehand a large branch covering his way. It caused him to fall off his ride with a yelp, his foot getting pulled by the saddle of the horse. He groaned in pain, taking him a few seconds to escape until he managed to pull his foot off in getting dragged.

Silence ensued as he laid on the ground, catching his breath to even it out. Two of his items were thrown a few feet away from him, enough to let him reach them if needed. When he finally sat up, a creaking sound echoed by the tree, making his eyes widen in alarm.

“He's seen us.” One of the dwarves growled, looking right at the shocked boy. The light–haired one unsheathed his blade, swiftly going on to finish his task. But before he could even get near, a blinding light flashed from the hands of the boy. They blinked rapidly as it slowly diminished.

Both Narnians gasped audibly as they saw the reason of the magical phenomenon. A fox now hovered just above the ground like a mist of smoke, blue kindling flames burning around its body. It stood protectively right in front of the boy yet its posture remained relaxed. The dwarves eyes travelled to the glowing blue ring on the finger of the boy, not believing how he was wearing it.

Realization then clicked in the mind of Caspian, now understanding the message of his dreams. All along, the fox has been nudging his ring finger, like it was signalling him to wear the strongest reminder he had left of his father.

He watched as the Narnian's gaze flickered to the horn by the side, minds now getting disturbed of how one has these two ancient items. Neighing then took all of their attention, warning them of the approaching danger. The two creatures shared a look, nodding at each other in silent understanding. “Take care of him.”

He rushed off to hold the soldiers in place, biding time for the remaining two. The dark–haired dwarf made a move to get close to the boy but it caused alarm to fill Caspian's system. So he reached across his position to get the now uncovered horn, raising it to his mouth until he blew the call of the myths. “No!

With that action came the move of the dwarf, the creature did the only thing he could think of to stop the sounds. He smacked the head of the boy with the bottom of his weapon, triumphant in halting the noise. But just like that, the fox's body slowly dissipated into the air, flowing upwards where the sound was headed towards. After then, as darkness filled the prince's mind that made him unconscious, a girl from another world had lurched abruptly with a loud gasp.

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