"Maybe. I can't find her. You've got her number right? Mind sending it to me?"

"You should've asked for this yesterday. Not used to having cute ladies in your phone huh?"

"Shut up. I'll let you know if I find her. Bye."

I'm seriously going to punch that guy.

I dialed y/n. She seemed like the type to always have her phone on her. Although, I bet she only answered to people that she liked so this was a long shot.

"Please leave a message after the tone; Hey you've reached y/n-"

For fucks sake, was really gonna make a me leave a damn voice mail.

I called again, still no answer. I thought maybe sending her a text would do;

It's Megumi. Answer the phone. Stop making me call you. You weren't in class.

The longer I waited the more irritated I felt. No answer. She was either chuckling over my desperation or she was genuinely in trouble.

I roamed the halls like a friggen lost puppy. This school was bigger than I thought. Rows of lockers seemed to go on forever. I felt like I was in a labyrinth.

At this rate, I'll be here all day trying to find her.

I summoned my demon dogs and rummaged through my bag for that schedule. I remembered
Y/n was touching it first period. Hopefully it still had some sort of scent from her.

I pulled it out of my bag and let the dogs take a sniff, they were on their way down the hall. I tried calling her again only to the same results.

Shit, I've got a bad feeling about this.

I followed the dogs through the corridors. If they knew where they were going, maybe I could bring her back to class with me.

As I walked, I noticed someone familiar. We got closer to passing each other and I realized it was y/n's boyfriend. Fucking great.

He was glaring at me like he wanted to slap me. Not sure why he hated me. He was the one who couldn't even keep tabs on his girlfriend.

"Hey." He said as we passed by. I nodded.

"I was talking to you."

Fuck off man, I don't care.

"You're a friend of my girlfriend?"

I turned around. 'Friend' was far from my status with her. More like acquaintance I'm forced to look after.

"I guess so.." I said, uninterested. My dogs were long gone on their way. Fuck, this guy really chose the wrong time to stop and chat. I was trying to find 'his' girlfriend after all.

He made a face like he was about to spit. "You guess so?" He said.

"Yeah, she's not really my friend."

He moved closer. "Then what is she to you?"

I sighed, "Look, I'm not interested in playing house with you and y/n. I honestly don't care. I'm busy. See you around."

As I walked forward, he gripped the back collar of my shirt. I turned around, hooking my arm beneath his and slamming him against the lockers.

"You're a little shit. You know that." He grimaced "You're shady."

"Whatever man, fuck off." I said, pushing him away and continuing down the hall. I could honestly care less about her boyfriend. I just needed to find her. I mean if you think about it, I was indirectly helping him.

The dogs turned a corner to a secluded hallway. It was a dead end with the ladies restroom door on one side. They clawed at the door.

Don't tell me she was just in the bathroom the whole time. Probably talking with her friends.

I couldn't just waltz in like a creep into the girls bathroom. The dogs busted through the door, as it swung open, I noticed someone laying on the floor of one of the stalls.


Is that her? The dogs knelt beneath the stall and started barking at the body. I had no choice but to go in.

I locked the door behind me and followed the dogs. The room was quiet besides the barking. I looked under the stall as I saw a teenage girl laying unconscious on the floor. That girl... was y/n.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, slipping myself beneath the locked stall. The dogs sniffed her hair and licked around her face. Not that she could feel anything, only curse users could perceive shikigami. I sent them away and knelt down. Her lips hung slightly open, her face was drained. I examined the mark on her neck, it had deepened into a almost a charcoal hue.

I held her head in my lap.

"Y/n. Y/n! Wake up. It's me. Hey!"

She was still breathing faintly. I tapped her cheek.

Shit, what the hell was going on.

I felt my heart rate begin to speed up. My hands were sweating.

Don't tell me I failed...

"Hey! Y/n!"

I promised...


That I'd protect her...


No matter what...


And her eyes peaked open in shock. She took a deep, erratic breath. Her body was shaking.

"It's okay, it's okay." I whispered. She drew herself closer into my arms, light tears painted her eyes as she looked up at me.

"M-... Megumi...?" Her lips quivered. I felt a strain in my heart at the sound of her voice whispering my name.

I don't know why... but I just wanted to hold her. I wanted her to be okay...

"It's me." I said.

Her eyes were soft, a faint smile crept up her lips.

"... You really did mean that promise..."

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