"When should we tell them?" I hear Calum say

"I don't know if they will want to know" Michael starts to yell.

"Shh! Keep it down someone will hear us!" Calum continues.

"I think Skylar will be most upset, I can't believe this, why did we do this?"

"I think we should tell her first that way she will tell the boys so we don't have too" Michael replies to Calum.

"That's a good idea but.. I think there's someone outside" Calum stops.

I quickly run back to the van, trying to hide my heavy breathing.

"I wasn't there" I say to Ashton and Luke.

"Act normal" I continue.

"Where have you guys been? We've been waiting for ages!" Luke pulls me into to his chest to try and stop me from puffing so much.

"Michael was taking a shit, and was scared of being alone" Calum buts in before Michael could speak.

"Yeah, scary place to take a shot alone in" Michael covers up.

"Luke?" I whisper.

"Yeah?" He whispers back.

"Thanks" I say.

"For what?" He kisses my forehead.

"Just being here" I look up at him.

"In that case, thank you too" he kisses my forehead again.

It was moments like these I could live in forever.

"I love you Skylar Grey Watson" he gently kisses me on the lips.

"I love you more Luke Robert Hemmings" I kiss him back.

"Aww! Isn't that cute!" Ashton looks in the review mirror as we start to drive off.

"Guys stop it you're making me jealous" Calum opens his arms up wide whacking Michael in the face.

"Hey" Michael yells while slapping Calum back.

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I wanted to know what they were talking about I pulled out my phone and text Michael "was there some thing you wanted to tell me?"

He gets the text and looks at me in surprise. "What is it?" Calum asks.

"Uh nothing" Michael replies.

"Not now" Michael texts back.

"Why not?" I text

"Because.. Uh I don't know" Michael texts back.

I look over and just nod my head. Luke gives me a strange look and nudges me.

"Ouch!" I scream.

"I'm sorry!" Luke rubs me and hugs me.
"Ash?" I say

"Yeah?" He winks in the revision mirror.

"Will you tell Luke to stop hurting me?" I start to giggle knowing Luke didn't mean it.

"Luke stop it or I will take your girlfriend away and have her for myself" he laughs.

"I said I was sorry" Luke try's to explain.

I just laugh and kiss him on the cheek. My phone buzzes.

"Dad has just died! You little bitch this is all your fault! You didn't even bother to come see him! You always mess things up! Fuck you and I hope you're happy you piece of shit!" It's a text from Mum. I drop my phone on Luke's lap. I break down and cry.

"Whats happened?" Luke picks up my phone and reads the message.

"Oh my! I am so sorry Skylar!" Luke hugs me.

Ashton pulls over I run out of the van faster than I have ever been.

"Stop Skykar!" Luke yells.

I just keep running I want to be alone. I can barley see with all the tears in my eyes. I fall and scream. I had no idea where I was, it was near sunset. I just had enough light to see, there was blood everywhere. I can't feel the pain on my leg just the pain in my heart. My dad just died and everyone hates me for it.

"Skylar where are you?" I hear Luke scream out.

I just cry louder. He hears me and finds me.

"Skylar what have you done?" He picks me up and walks me back to the van.

The other boys obviously knew what has happened as Calum is still holding my phone.

Luke had blood all over him aswell as me. I have cut my leg pretty bad. I can't start to feel the pain.

"Ashton find a Hospital" Luke yells.

I pass out.

Runaway BabyWhere stories live. Discover now