with an inquisitive eyebrow raised, she reached for the volume dial and turned it up. she listened intently as he drums and guitar picked up pace. she quite liked that.

"what song is this?" she asked softly.

"it's called 'where'd all the time go?'. it's really good, i thought you'd like it." he responded, pulling into a parking space.

"i do like it." she smiled brightly at him.

"oh here comes my favorite part!" he squealed excitedly. "there's nothing to keep you," he looked towards her, a glint of endearment in his eyes. "from falling in love,"

she switched her gaze between his eyes, before ultimately bringing it down to his lips. when she looked back up, he was doing the same thing.

"mark?" she whispered.

'she gets dressed up like a pillow, so she's always in bed,'

"yes, sweet girl?" he asked, just as quiet.

'flowers for the sick and dead,'

"can i.. kiss you?"

'she's on the go, way too fast and way too slow,"

"yes, please do." he nodded, chuckling slightly.

'she'll turn and stop at hospitals and funeral homes,'

she smiled and reached up, cupping his cheek. she brought him downwards a bit, and inched closer.

'and when the tide rises,'

he watched her for a few more seconds before meeting her half way.

'somebody sinks and is gone in the blink of an eye.'

their lips met, and their eyes fluttered shut. mark smiled against bell's lips, gently resting a hand on her waist.

about a minute passed, and they pulled apart. with flushed cheeks, they chuckled and got out from the car. bell made sure to grab a towel for them to sit on before following close behind mark towards the shoreline.

they quickly set down the towel on the part of sand that was close to the water, but not too close to where they would get soaked if a big wave came.

'that would be embarrassing,' bell cringed to herself.

they sat down and watched the sun begin to turn the sky orange. mark admired the scene; a few seagull's flapped through the sky, and the orange and pink hues in the sky made everything look more beautiful, if that was possible.

he turned his gaze over to bell, who was already looking at him.

"what?" he chuckled.

"i love you."

"you- what? really?" he said, awestruck.

bell nodded, a silent smile on her lips.

"you have no idea how long i've been waiting to hear you say that. i love you too, so much."

she rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her.

"thank you." she whispered, only loud enough for him to hear.

"for?" he looked down at her, watching her gaze flicker between his eyes.


they were silent now, watching the sun dip below the horizon line just like they had done so many times before.

"it'll always be you and me, arabella."

bell looked up at him, meeting his grey eyes with her brown ones. "you and me. i like it that way."

mark leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. he pulled away, met gaze once more, and spoke. "so do i."

and truly, in the end, it was the two of them against the world.



you guys see that callback i made to the first book 😏

ALSO be sure to listen to the song i mentioned, it adds effect :)

but unfortunately, that wraps this book up.

i have the george one in the works, but it will be a little bit before it comes out. i'll be sure to keep you lot updated!

thank you so much for reading my book and supporting me, i really do appreciate it.

i love you, so so much. drink some water plz!

take care of yourselves, and until next time.

-kahoot_soundtrack ❤️

{BOOK 2} you and me || ranboo x fem oc Where stories live. Discover now