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The next morning when he woke up, the scenes from last night immediately registered themselves in Wuxian's mind. His face was starting to turn crimson. 

He'd had a dream last night where he was a rabbit, sitting on the dinning table. There were lots of lettuce leaves scattered here and there on the table and Wuxian was happily munching on them. But then another rabbit, with a rude face, starting running towards him from the other end of the table. His whiskers were longer and ear were standing sharply on his head, unlike Wuxian's whose whiskers were smaller and ears were cutely resting downwards on his rabbit face. Wuxian started running away at full speed and hopped off the table, the other rabbit quickly following after him.

After a good episode of chasing and seeking, Wuxian hopped into a bin by mistake and got trapped. The other rabbit also hopped in and Wuxian was now scared of what he'd do and where he'd go. He was ready for a leg fight, but the other rabbit pulled out a lettuce from its mouth, which was stuffed in his cheek and offered it to Wuxian. Wuxian shyly smelled it and took it, it seemed fresh and so he started munching on it. 

Rabbit-friendship was thus established. He ate half, and offered the rest to the second rabbit. The second rabbit, who was keenly looking at him came closer and started grooming Wuxian's whiskers, and slowly he came closer. Wuxian liked being groomed. He started munching on the piece remaining in his paw, and the second rabbit suddenly kissed Wuxian. That's when Wuxian woke up out of pure shock. He knew exactly who this second rabbit was in his dream.

He decided to pretend like nothing happened, and moved out of the room with his nose held high. But his façade didn't last long. Wang Ji was cooking something for both of them and he looked beautiful handling the stove and cleaning the slab. His hands looked so pretty while chopping, the same hands that last night... Wei Wuxian's ears started tinting red again.

"Wei Ying" Wang Ji called him out. Wei Wuxian immediately looked away, pretending to walk back into his room. Wang Ji ran out of the kitchen, and called out again, "Wei Ying, I need your help." Wei Wuxian stopped this time. Calming his beating heart, he turned back to Wang Ji. "Come with me." Wang Ji said and walked back into the kitchen. Wei Wuxian followed the younger.

"Get some lettuce and carrot from the refrigerator." Wang Ji asked and Wuxian, eyes widening for a second, complied. 

He brought the veges, washed them and asked, "How...?"

Wang Ji replied, "Thin-long pieces" and Wei Wuxian started chopping standing next to Wang Ji who was adding herbs to the dish. After chopping, he offered the bowl to Wang Ji who instead of the bowl grabbed Wuxian's other hand and started walking to his own room.

Till the very day, Wei Wuxian had never seen Wang Ji's room, it was actually a rule that Wuxian cannot enter Wang Ji's room. But now Wang Ji himself opened the door and started walking in, holding Wuxian's hand in his. Wei Wuxian was too blown away by last night's actions (and the recent dream) that he almost concluded that Wang Ji had gone crazy due to the grief of giving up his dream, figure skating, and that's why his actions were simply not sensible. 

Wei Wuxian couldn't help but notice that Wang Ji's room was more than twice the size of his own room. There was a glass door opening into a garden with lots of plants and two rabbits hopping around with sky blue ribbons tied around their ears.

Wang Ji sat down on the floor, pulling Wuxian down to sit next to him. Wang Ji then pointed with his eyes towards the bowl full of vegetables and Wuxian understood. He kept the bowl in front of himself and picked a carrot piece in his hand and showed it to the rabbits. Both rabbits happily bounced on Wang Ji's lap but didn't want to go to Wuxian. They were looking at Wang Ji, almost as if asking for their master's approval. 

Wang Ji took a piece from the bowl and started feeding the rabbits. "They only like you." Wuxian said in a complaining manner, to which Wang Ji replied, "Because they have never met anyone else."

Wei Wuxian didn't know how to respond to that. "What about your ex- roommate?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"No one ever stayed more than 3-4 days." Wang Ji looked at Wei Wuxian who understood the situation. The rules were hard too deal with for regular folks. 

"Why are you showing them to me?" Wei Wuxian asked very softly, as his heart warmed. 

Wang Ji replied, "Because I want you to take care of them while I'm gone."

"Where are you going?" Wuxian frowned, worried.

Wang Ji said with a small, almost invisible smile, "To represent the country in the Nationals." 

Wei Wuxian's eyes widened and jaw dropped. He rushed in and hugged Wang Ji, and the younger hugged back. "Congratulations! Congratulations, Lan Zhan!! I'm so happy for you!" Feeling Wang Ji's hands tightening around himself, Wuxian awkwardly pulled back, but Wang Ji was too reluctant to retreat, his fingers lingering on Wuxian's waist. 

Wuxian happily bent closer to the rabbits and started petting them fondly, "Your master is going to follow his dreams! You both must congratulate him!"

2 more months passed, Wang Ji was awarded the 2nd position in the National Competition. Wei Wuxian watched the entire thing live to see Wang Ji's performance. Not to mention how his mouth dried while watching him dance on the ice, wearing a sleek red shiny dress, exposing most of his brilliant chest.

Wuxian took care of the rabbits and found himself lingering in Wang Ji's room more than required. The whole room reeked of Wang Ji and something about it was very satisfying to Wuxian. Days were passing by quickly and Wuxian was getting more and more comfortable being around Wang Ji.

"Come out quickly, I've made the tea!" Wang Ji called out to Wuxian who hadn't stepped out of his room all day. 

"I can't. You leave it on the table, I'll take it from there." Wuxian replied. 

"Wei Ying what's the problem? You haven't stepped out at all today."

Wuxian replied after some time in a small voice, "I did all my laundry today and I have no clothes to wear." 

Wang Ji, amused at his antics, brought his own clothes and knocked at Wuxian's door, "You can wear mine today, just come out quickly."

Rule- "You are not allowed to wear my belongings."

When Wuxian opened the door, he was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He quickly grabbed the clothes from Wang Ji's hands and shut the door on the younger's face. Thankfully he shut it in time because Wang Ji's expressions sure didn't seem very friendly when he was exposed to Wuxian in such a state. 

Wei Wuxian was reminded of how angry Wang Ji had become when he first wore his slippers and now the same man was offering his clothes to him. Wuxian's heart was beating so fast, he could compete with the wind, or a train leaving the station, or a deer running towards its mate.

Wei Wuxian stepped out of the room feeling embarrassed, the white shirt spilling over one of his shoulders and the too long pajamas bottoms absorbing his feet within them. But to Wang Ji, he looked extremely adorable. They both have tea in comfortable silence, the rabbits hopping around in the living room and Wang Ji absorbing Wei Wuxian's cute attire. 

It was surely a good day.

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