Just as Harry mumbled an 'agreed', Snape pushed their heads down.

After Snape left, I glared at the boys.

"What's wrong with you?" Ron muttered.

"First of all," You muttered, keeping an eye out for Snape, "That was incredibly rude what you said about Neville. Second of all, how dare you speak to Hermione like that and accuse her of lying. And third of all, am I just invisible or something?!"

"What's she on about?" Ron whispers, looking around.

"Fred," You muttered, getting his attention, "I beg of you, prank Ronald at your next given opportunity."

"I'd love that," He smirks, "But why?"

"I'll explain to you and the two boys then," You muttered, "Ron, I know I've told you that I don't believe in love, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like an invitation to the ball by my best friend."

"You don't believe in love?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Merlin, Harry, have you not heard me talking bout my hate of couples snogging in every corner?" You mentally face palmed.

"I thought," He paused, "You were just disgusted."

"Wait a second," Ron calls, "Why did you ask Fred to only prank me? What about Harry?"

"He's already got a lot going on, what with the triwizard tournament and nearly being killed each year," You answered.

"One of you just ask her already," Fred muttered, "Poor girl can't exactly take the one she wants to take. That one's already got a date."

"How did you-" You mutter, looking at Fred.

"I'm not as oblivious as these two, y/n," He smiled, "Also, don't dwell on it too much. You'll find that lucky g-"

You quickly held a hand to his mouth to stop him, and whispered, "I'm not out to anyone."

He nodded, understanding.

"y/n," Ron smiled sheepishly, "Wanna go to the ball with me?"

"Sure Ron," You nodded, "Also, Harry, ask one of the Patil twins. They've been eyeing you this whole time."

"Thanks y/n," Harry smiled.


You were standing next to one of the Patil twins, waiting for Harry and Ron. As they started to come down the stairs, you started walking towards them.

"Bloody hell," You stated after seeing Ron, "Those dress robes are ghastly. I wish I'd gone alone instead."

Harry chuckled while Ron grumbled in return.

"There you are Potter," McGonagall said, "Are you and Miss Patil ready?"

"Ready Professor?" Harry asked.

"To dance," She answered, "It's traditional that the three champions - well, in this case four - are the first to dance. Surely I told you that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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