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Without a single last glance. 

she sat up on the bed, her eyes were fixed on the way he left the room. She wiped her face with a sigh. 

She got used to this. 

His way of treating her, so she didn't want to waste her time giving space for such emotions. She stood up, got dressed up and exited the apartment. 

Edward reached up to Max's hands," I'm sorry for what I've done baby. please, don't give me that silent treatment. I'll make sure to not repeat it...hmm?",Edward grabbed Max's hands and intertwined his fingers. He abruptly stopped in his track seeing max glaring at him.

" sir, here's the report you asked me. Now, if you're done, I'll take my leave " max turned his heels to leave. He closed the office door with a thud causing edd to flinch. A small smile envelopes his lips recalling edd's act, 'face the consequence, dear ' he thought, with a smirk evident in his lips. 

Edward sighed in defeat ' I have to think a way '

 In few minutes the department manager announced loudly. "Everyone attention for a minute please; I just got a news, in our team Edward and jasper was selected for the new project, congratulations! in two days, that is monday the work will be started , you'll be going there to work." .Everyone cheered for them. Max was relieved that he was not selected but what bothered him is not seeing Edward till the project ends. Max internally groaned. 

Like cue jas phones ringed, he cringed immediately seeing the caller id. He debated internally whether to answer it or not. ' well, it's been so long. it will not hurt at least to say few words ' Jasper made up his mind to attend the call. 

" hello" 

" Hello! Jas, how are you, it's been long '' the other line gently asked

" I'm fine. How are you aun....mother " He rubbed his nape to ease the nervous. 

The other line paused for a second before answering " I'm fine, I would like to see you, are you free tonight?, can you come over here for a dinner. Everyone will be there. " 

jas gulped before replying " okay " he can't say no to her. Even though she's not his biological mother, she'll take care of him as if he's her son. She never made him feel hostile. He have to respect her words. So with no excuse he agreed to her. Even if he can't see her, jas sensed her happy sigh from other line. 

" I'm going home for dinner tonight, I'll come late. Don't wait for me dude" jas conveyed to max with a sigh. 

After the office hours. He took a taxi and reached 'the home' home is something which make people to feel at ease, happy, peaceful, protected. The Home that makes people to feel loved and cared. But for jas home is a something which triggered his every traumatized nightmares. 

jas pressed the doorbell, at the second ring the door opened by a woman in her forties, with a fair skin and apron around her waist, looking gentle with a motherly smile on her face.

She hugged him briefly before letting in, opening the door wide.

" it's been long right? , I cleaned your room go and fresh up sweetie, I'll call you when dinner is ready " 

" Hmm okay " Was all he could say before slowly making his way to the room. 

His room. 

which is across the living room. There is staircase next to this leading to the second floor having his sister and big brothers room.

Reminding about his brother, a shiver run down his spine. He fixed his eyes in floor till he gets to his room and closed the door as fast as he entered .He leaned his back against the door and slumped down. He was terrified, so terrified that he trembled against the door. 

The feeling, the fear he believed that he had overcomed. The memories crashed him like a bullet train, suffocating him the next second he stepped inside the house . He took a deep breath, ' Relax, Jasper it's alright, everything is alright. You can manage it, just for dinner, a short time. Then it will be over don't be afraid, your strong ' he cheered himself. 

He wasn't aware of how long he's been in this scrouching position against the door, but the knock from his door wakes him up from his trembling fear. 

" jasper! dinner is ready, everyone is waiting for you " his sister Stacy said.

" coming ". a muffled came from inside the room.

jas got up from his position. He washed his face and went to dining table, it's an open kitchen with living room attached.

He sat in one of the chair next to her sister and look around nervously, except his brother everyone one here. He internally sighed in relief.
Feels like he can breath now.

" how have you been jasper, you should come home, mother was worried about you, you can't make old people worried about you can you? At least make call from time to time" nagged his father.

" don't nag him George, he just came today " 

" I'm fine dad, how about your health ? " 

" I'm fine, your mother is the one who's sick, worrying about her children all the time " 

The dinner was not lively, he and his sister didn't spare a single word to each other, they came from same mother but they are more like strangers now. It's not that they hate each other but their lives were full of themselves. He can't blame her, because after she graduated, she start to work immediately, the family situation got better, his father got job at the same , the debts were reduced and by now its none. she was selfless at the time , she helped the family and now lives her own life.

" your sister will also be staying here tonight, you too should stay jas, I would be, more than happy, son"

Jasper starts to get nervous by the words and feel nauseated, ' he can't stay, but since the brother is not here. He felt relieved. But he can't take risk, what if he came by late night? No, he can't, no no ' this the only thought in his mind .

He got back from his thought when his sister shook him, she was little confused by his now pale face " are you not okay, you should stay. There is no work tomorrow right? " 

Her voice becomes blurry as another voice filled his mind, 

 He heard a mans playful voice.

His every Nightmare's voice. 

The one that he can't forget all these years.

' Your so pretty even if your not riped yet '

 " What happened son, you're not looking good?"  Her voice is evident with worry. 

He excused himself the he's not feeling well suddenly and went straight to his room. 

  Without locking the door, Jasper fell on to his bed slowly he drifted to sleep. At unknown time,
the door to his room opened....

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