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Tommy woke up in an unknown place, he scanned around the place and saw that this place is filled with flowers,plants,trees, any kind of bullshit that nature is , he then noticed that he was wearing differently, it wasnt his usual loose clothes that the kids gifted him when he became 20, because somehow he stopped aging when he adopted the twins.

He then heard rustling sound behind him and he turned around to see-

"What the fuck?" Is all the words he could get out of his mouth in that moment, what he saw was another him but he looked more than 15, he wore a strangely royal guard suit with a yellow rose on his left ear, his eyes were pure sky blue as if it wasn't touched at all, and he was smiling, looked kinda like a fucking smug to me (it wasn't).

"Hi! My name's prince Tommy! The biggest man around!" The younger him said while smiling as if he's the sun himself.

"Ah fuck my eyes!,fucking hell cut that fucking shit out!" Covering my eyes because of how he literally shone like a fucking sun, the kid only laughed and hunched down to grab some of those flowers.

"Here, have one" he gave me a yellow rose, those exist right? He doesn't fucking know.
"Uhh thanks for...this? Ok quick question where the fuck am I and who the fuck are you?" I said while sounding loud yet firm.

The younger seem to understand but still putted that fucking flower on my right ear THIS FUCKING-
"Well, I'm as lost as you are you know" he answered unamused, the fuck?
"Fucking- look I give no shit what happened to you but fucking hell what the fuck do you mean you don't Fucking know?" I sounded mad but the kid brushed it off with a laugh.

"Haha!wow didn't think that you have quite a temper huh?" That's it im choking him.

(To be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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