"Oh!" she gasped. "I love your mom! Speaking of family members I love...how's my favorite girl? She's not really responding to my messages."

"She's fine," Jordan sighed. "She and Spencer both are. I think she's just a bit shaken up after the whole accident. But, don't worry you'll get to see her tonight."

Luna softly pinched his cheek. "Well, then I can't wait for tonight."

"Hey!" he perked up. "We can tell my family the big news, tonight."

"That I'm pregnant," she joked.

His face paled. "What?!"

"Oh, my God!" she cackled. "Your face! You should've seen it."

"You can't just say things like that," he reprimanded her. "I almost peed!"

"We haven't even..." she made a gesture with her hands. "Since Vegas."

"Oh...good times," Jordan reminisced. "We should recreate that whole shower thing, again. That was...magnificent."

"I'll think about it," she smacked his shoulder. "Now, what the hell is our news?"

"We're in a relationship," Jordan stated matter of factly. "A committed and loving one."

She blushed. "But, they know. I mean, I've been at your house a bunch of times. Literally, in your bedroom."

"Okay, true," Jordan agreed. "But, I-I haven't explicitly told my parents that we're back together. And I wanna do it right this time. Especially, now that we're...all in."

She let out a soft giggle, pulling him in for a kiss which lasted a bit longer than it should have especially since they were at school in such a public setting. And Jordan couldn't help but savor the kiss, allowing his tongue to swipe softly against her bottom lip, her mouth parted open in response. However, someone clearing their throat had interrupted the couple from their makeout session.

The couple pulled apart with flushed cheeks turning their heads to face the culprit.

"Damn it, Asher!" she groaned.

"You're sitting right outside of the boy's locker room," Asher deadpanned. "And you're making out with my best friend."

"But, I'm her boyfriend," Jordan was quick to say. "Just...just saying."

Luna stood up from his lap, despite his groans of protest. "I'll let you two talk because I'm nice."

"Yeah, you're soooo nice," Asher sarcastically said. "Bye, Luna."


Luna thought she knew how the family dinner was going to go. It's not like she was a stranger by any means, in fact, there was a solid month when Luna had practically lived them, so she knew how their family dinners went. Jokes were thrown out, memories were shared, and they laughed a bit. However, it seemed that only a few members of the family including Luna were participating in this.

Billy placed the napkin on his plate, pushing his chair back. "Alright, this was great. But, I gotta get out of here."

"Already?" Jordan frowned.

"Yeah," Billy nodded. "Sorry."

There seemed to be something weird in the air once he attempted to leave, causing Mrs. Baker to notice. "Is everything okay, guys?"

Spencer scoffed. "Actually..."

"I had a drink," Liv confessed. "And before you say anything, I have not relapsed okay? I didn't take any pills, and it was a mistake and I regret it and I'm already working through it with my sponsor and I'm fine. Okay? I'm gonna be fine, seriously."

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