tw: panic attack

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A/n: look at this amazing picture! Creds in the photo❤️. this is a one shot for a contest by AllergictoUmbridge so hopefully it won't be too bad.

I couldn't breathe. It felt like this weight was on my chest, restricting my breathing, and I couldn't calm down. I was trying to be quiet so I wouldn't disturb Jaxon (this is not Corpse's real name btw). Unfortunately, he woke up despite my desperate attempts.

"Hey, hey, look at me," he told me, as I looked at him, "breathe. It'll be okay." I tried to do what he told me but it was so difficult.

"I-I ca-can't brea-br-breathe!" I gasped in between breathes, trying but failing to slow it.

"Breathe with me, okay?" I nodded. "1, 2," he spoke softly and slowly, taking deep breaths to guide me through the panic that was still apparent, "3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10." He repeated counting and breathing with me until I finally calmed down.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Jaxon smiled,  obviously thinking he was funny.

"You're a jerk, you know that?" I spoke while chuckling.

"Ah, but you love me for it," he responded and I just rolled my eyes. We both lie back down on the bed, facing each other. After what seemed like forever, I scooted closer to him and he put his arms around me. I breathed in his scent, almost immediately relaxing. As I was falling into a deep and welcoming slumber, I heard him mumble the three little words I'd been dying to hear since the day I met him.

"I love you."


I hope y'all enjoyed! I know this is short but I can't write very long chapters without getting bored and abandoning the chapter.

Take care of yourselves
drink some water and
eat some food🌹

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