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He moved aside to reveal a young guy- maybe 17/18? "Eric" had piercings above one of his eyebrows, he wore a very styled up hairstyle and had tattoos on his arms. His arms, wooah, they were strong. He looked like he was built of just muscle. He was pretty handsome.

Eric held out his hand for me to shake, "Skye." I greeted, smiling.
"Eric." He replied. He wasn't smiling, he had just a plain, bored face.
"Boring you already?" I chuckled.
His mouth twitched up a bit from that comment, finding me amusing. "Not yet."

"Well, let's start now. No need for any delay." Jeanine interrupted us. "Shall we review the mission?"
"No need, unless of course..." Max finished off, giving a pointed look towards me.
"Of course. Let's sit down." Jeanine looked over at me.
Okay, that was weird. I was a bit confused, did I do something wrong? I looked over at Eric and his face showed signs of curiosity too. I followed them, and sat down on a leather black sofa.
So dauntless. I thought.
"Alright Skye, we need you to go into the factionless network, hack into any remaining files on transfers and divergents. Then we need you to transfer those files onto this." Jeanine held up a micro USB.
"Designed by the best of Erudite, it requires your fingerprint, an eye scan, and a password to unlock." Max finished.
"Sweet. Should be fun!" I exclaimed, this was super cool. Although it dangerous as heck and there was like a huge chance I'd get caught since there were loads of factionless.
"Sometimes I question whether you're an Erudite or not." Jeanine muttered.
Max must've heard because he chuckled lightly. "Very well. I'll brief you on the mission."

Max briefed me on the mission and I nodded. "Great, even though theres like a 110% i'll die a terrible death." I muttered sarcastically.
Max chuckled again, while Eric actually cracked a small grin.
"Wow, it has emotions!" I joked at Eric, who dropped the grin quick and started glaring at me. "Chill, I'm kidding."

ESCAPE: Divergent/EricМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя