The two took a glimpse of the stars once again, taking out their dolefulness by conversating with each other and the stars. Everything was serene and placid. This boy made Clay feel things he'd never felt before, but everything inside of him told him it was wrong.
He didn't know what to make of these emotions, keeping them clandestine in his mind, trapped behind walls of the faintheartedness of his soul, and guarded by envy.

Clay had always had a deep-seated feeling inside of him of envy for people who were so confident in their sexuality, knowing full well he could never pull it off. He had always been too aghast to do so, knowing how his family would react. They always talked down upon LGBT folk, saying things like "Their sinners", "Going to burn" or his personal favorite, "Satan whores". All of these things rocked him to his core, any feeling he had to be locked away in the prison of his mind. He'd built walls so high and strong no one could get in, but there was a small crack where Nick just seemed to fit perfectly. George made his heart melt in no way anyone had before, but that was what weakened him.

The two had both came to be drowsy, climbing inside careful not to wake up anyone in Clay's house, as everyone was most likely sleeping at this time, and his family might have been suspicious that he was bringing a boy in at 12:45 PM.
Nick had laid down on the floor, curling up with a small blanket that Clay had laid down for his cat, Patches, the night before. Clay climbed into the window, immediately seeing Nick on the floor. " You don't have to sleep on the floor, dude!" He said, getting onto his bed, patting the side next to him softly.
Nick picked himself up, laying next to Clay as he got as comfortable as possible.

The two laid down for the night, George pressing himself against Clay for warmth as the fan above blew cold air onto him. Clay began to grow adherent to the touch. He flipped himself around to face Nick, his emerald green eyes met the other, every feature of his face entranced Clay. "Hi." They two said, almost in sync. They both grinned, letting out soft giggles as they got comfortable.
The two stayed up a bit longer, talking about whatever popped into their minds first, or what had been on their minds.

Clay had been the first one to finally lay himself at rest, though he wanted to speak to Nick all night. Before the younger fell asleep, he pressed his head to Clay's chest, gently swinging his arms around his torso as he lay sleeping.

George awoke, quickly noticing his position and shuffling away. This sudden movement awoke Clay from his sleep, letting out small yawns as he stretched his arms out, nearly hitting George in the face.
"Hey," George spoke, still drowsy. Clay's eyes immediately shifted to the boy that lay beside him. " Hi." He responded, swinging his legs to the side of his bed as he put on a shirt that had been previously tossed to the floor. George watched contently, face flushing a smooth red. Clay had bruises and closed scars on his back, which brought interest to George. He pressed his hand up against one of the scars. Clay's head veered around quickly at the touch as George looked up at him. " What are you doing?-" He said, a bit of aggression appearing in his voice, pulling his shirt down over his back. Regret washed over his face as he spoke " I-I don't know, I'm- I don't know what got into me, I'm so sorry." George got off the bed, pushing himself back towards the wall and heading for the window. " No, you're fine I was just- spooked, I guess. You're alright, George." He said. Silence filled the room. It was suffocating.
George nodded, not daring to let out a single word.
" Okay." He finally spoke, leaning into the record stand in front of the window. " I think, it's time I go. It was nice hanging out with you, Clay." He said, before getting one foot out the window. " George- please, " George cut him off. " No, it's fine I don't want my family to think I'm gone. I'll meet you on the roof tonight. 12. Alright?" Clay nodded.

After George had left, Clay's mind wandered as he stared at the ceiling above him. How could he have been so stupid? Overreacting to the boy he wanted the approval of. That was just one more thing to leave to the stars. Everything was piling and there wasn't any way to stop it. He pulled his pillow over his face, letting out screams and small tears.
Drista had knocked on the door after hearing her brother's shrieks. " Come in." He muttered, muffled from the pillow. " Are you alright?" She said, clear worry embedded in her tone. " Yes." He lied, pulling the pillow off of his face. " I don't believe you. What's wrong?" She waltzed over to his bed, sitting down near him.
" You wouldn't understand, it's adult stuff." He said, ruffling her hair. " You sure? You can talk to me, dude. I can keep secrets." She announced, fixing her hair back. " It's fine." He paused, looking at her. " Do you wanna go get some donuts?" He tried to change the subject, and of course, it worked.

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