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After the passing of the fight between the Qixings, Adeptus and the traveller against Osalai, the sealed God. Liyue was once again back at peace. The conflict between humans and adepti not being able to cooperate with each other was resolved after the fight. Once in a while the adepti would come to visit their dear friend Morax.

"Master Hu. We have recieved another complain from one of our "client".

"Oh don't worry about it Mr.ZhongLi. Im sure it's not complains, it's more like a 5* review. Hehe."

"Speaking of clients... I will have someone come over later today. Can I ask you to please not treat him as one of your usual "clients". He's a very close friend of mine."

"Oh don't worry about that Old Man. I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

The Wangshen Parlor Director jumped out of her seat to roam Liyue Harbor for a while since they haven't been getting customers for quite sometime

Afternoon struck and Wanmin restaurant was getting crowded. The amount of customers they're getting was something Hu tao wanted for her own business

"Excuse me maam. Hello, do you guys serve almond tofu here?" A newcomer asks

One person caught Hu tao's attention. A young boy with black hair with green tips wearing a white and green 'weird' attire.

The young boy got his almond tofu and proceeded to sit on one of the vacant seat. It's usually a 2 person table but most people declines to sit with him knowing that he is the infamous Vigilant Yaksha. Hu tao did not notice or realize who he was and since he was a newcomer, she felt like she would give him a scare to make her name known to the Yaksha

"Hello. Good day today huh? Does that taste good?" Hu tao tries to struck a conversation with him but her question was denied

"Helloooo~? Can you hear me~?"

Hu tao tries to buy more time by striking a conversation giving enough time for Hu tao's ghost friend to get behind the Yaksha expecting the he would turn around and be met with a frightening sight. Unfortunately, that didn't go as plan. The Yaksha did turn around to see the director's ghost friend in front of him, but instead of being scared he simply just punched the ghost despite it not having a physical body. Still, this struck a nerve on Hu tao

"Hey! Why would you do that?! That was very rude. How can you just punch my friend like that?!" Hu tao annoyingly said

Before Hu tao can further say anything, she was on the ground pointed with a Primodial Jade Spear to her throath. This causes a commotion around the restaurant, some were delighted that they could see the Liyue's prankster getting threathend but 1 person did not

"Xiao! That's enough!" The almighty father Mr.ZhongLi comes to the rescue

"Old man! Why are you here?"

"Tsk. Just this once. Here." Xiao offered his hands to help the helpless girl on the ground

"Master Hu, Xiao. You guys are coming with me. Excuse us." ZhongLi apologize to the crowd

The 3 of them walked back to the Wangshen Funeral Parlor as it was time for introductions and explanations. First comes Xiao.

"So, tell me what happened."

"This mortal.... tried sneaking a prank on me thinking that I'll be frightened and be an embarrassment to the crowd. Please forgive me, I'll make sure to work on my attitude."

"Mortal?! You're an adeptus?! That's so cool!" The clueless Hu tao praised

"Yaksha, this is the Vigilant Yaksha. Xiao." ZhongLi explains further

"Wait. How do you know all of this old man? I figured you're all smart and all but.... that's suspicious." Hu tao says

Zhong Li was put in a tight situation, not knowing how to answer. He can not out of the blue come clean that he was the Geo Archon all along. After a bunch of stuttering, the Wangshen consultant was cornered and was forced to come clean.

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