Chapter 1 |prologue|

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Levi's POV

"Come on hanji! Just a few more pushes!" I yelled trying to encourage hanji who was going into labor.

She crushes my hand and glares at me "I'm fucking trying!"

I decided to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the process because I don't think trying to encourage her would be the best idea....

The medics said they saw the baby was almost out.

"One more push hanji..."

She yells in agony as she pushed one last time and then stopped as the cries of a new born baby was heard.

She sighs as she began to relax in her medical bed....I wiped the sweat in her face and gently kissed her forehead.

"I'm so proud of you hanji...." I whispered to her holding her hand.

She smiles as she started calming down relieved that the child was finally born....

I saw the medics tending the child's needs and getting it all ready.

A few minutes pass and a female medic walked up to us smiling.

"Congratulations mr Ackerman and Mrs Zoe, it's a boy!"

A boy....I have new born son....I couldn't be an happier.

Hanji reached out for the kid and the doctor passed him to hanji who was smiling as she looked at her baby boy.

She looked up at me and smiled "Levi isn't he adorable..."

I grin "yeah...he is"

The baby coos and and slowly opens his little eyes.

I looked at the baby surprised....he had my color eyes....

"levi look he has your eyes" she said happily.

I look at my son and he looks around the room trying to understand where he was.

She looked at me "wanna hold him?"

I nod "yes please..."

She hands me the child and cradle him in my arms looking at his beautiful face....

It's hard to believe that this is my's our and hanjis....

The baby cooed in my arms and reached for my cravat.

I chuckle "you want my cravat?"

He didn't reply but just kept reaching for it.

I sigh and hold him with one arm as I pull my cravat out of my shirt and hand it to him.

He hugs it tightly....I'm glad he liked it...

"Aw levi that's sweet..." I turned to hanji who was smiling.

I roll my eyes "you and him are the only people who are loud to hold it or touch it"

She laughs as I gently kissed the top of my baby boys head.

I look at hanji "what are we gonna name him?"

(Alright guys I'm choosing a name for now but it will change to udo later and stay as udo just for now)

"What about James?"

I smile "it sounds perfect..."

She looks at me shocked "Levi are you smiling?"

I frown "shut up shitty glasses"

She slaps my shoulder "no cussing in front of the baby"

I Tch "fine"

I look back at James who was sleeping peacefully in my arms still holding the cravat close to him....

I sit next hanji in the bed and she lays her head on my shoulder "I'm going to rest if that's alright..."

I nod and kiss the top of her head "sleep well"

She nods and closes her eyes, soon drifting off into a sweet slumber...

I look at Hanji then at James and smile...."you guys are one of the best things to ever happen to me...." I said quietly to myself.

"I heard that" I look over and see hanji smiling.

I Tch "go to sleep hanji..."

She laughs "I am, I am"

I felt her kiss my cheek "and for the record levi you and James are also the best things to ever happen to me....."

I grin "even better than titans?"

She laughs "yes...even better than titans"

I grin and hold her hand with one of my free hands...

"Night levi..."

I grin and kiss the top of her head again "night hanji..."

She soon fell back asleep as I held James....we will be a happy family...

Zeke's POV

I cringe at everything I walk by.... having to be here with these disgusting devil's....

I was assigned a mission to look around and scout the enemy's territory...

I was walking up to some people who were chatting and couldn't help but evesdropp.

"Did you hear the latest news for the scouts?" One man said.

The other shakes his head "no, what is it?"

"Humanity's strongest soldier Levi Ackerman and humanity's smartest soldier hanji Zoe, had their kid today"

The other man sighs "damn that will be one impressive child when it grows up...."

"Yeah...being the son of humanitys strongest and smartest....that is a huge win for the scouts...."

Humanitys strongest and humanity's smartest had a child?....oh how very interesting....

I walked over to the men talking...

"So you're saying the scouts have a child?" I grin

They nod "yeah...the scouts are lucky bastards"

"And it's the humanity's strongest and smartest child?"

They nod "yup"

I nod "you guys aren't scouts I suppose?"

They shake their head one man shows his symbol of a unicorn on his jacket.

"We are from the military police"

I nod "I see, and I bet you feel jealous that The scouts have something to brag about and the military police doesn't"

The men frown "'re right!"

I grin "I bet it's infuriating"

They frown some more and clench their fists "yeah...those stupid scouts have all the glory while we are just sitting in the corner watching...."

I chuckle "well boys I think we will get along very well...."

They grin "what do you have in mind young man..."

I grin "I have some plans for this little child and if we could snatch it away from the scouts I could reward you very well"

They look at each other "we are talking about levi Ackerman here better have one hell of a plan to outsmart him" one of them said nervously.

I chuckle "oh don't worry I do....I certainly do..."

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