Chapter Two - "The Price to Pay"

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Ren's POV, The Next Morning…

I'm going to spend this morning thinking of a way to get more participants to attract more people to my live streams.
A whole lot are expecting big things, and I’m sorta nervous to go to school tomorrow. 
What’ll they be saying? Most of my school don’t know that DJ Kira is me, but one slip-up, and I’m done for.
Imagine if Inuyose-san told everyone. Is that something she’d do?
Nah, she wouldn’t. She can be serious, but she would literally have me arrested since interrupting Japan’s airwaves is a tiny bit illegal.
Maybe I could gather funds and advertise my live streams online somehow? Where would I gather the cash?

No time to think about that now, I need to head to school. I almost forgot that it isn’t quite the weekend.

Later, at Yoba Academy, at Ren’s Class…

“And so, because of the Emperor,” my teacher said, “We know that the Meiji Restoration was a critical part of Japan’s history, due to…”

History is pretty boring, in my opinion. Japan’s a country with quite the history, but there’s so much to remember… 
Why can’t something happen this morning?

I put my head on my desk and sighed.

As if on cue, a strange man walked into the classroom, followed by two men in suits.
The whole class went silent almost immediately.
Finally, my teacher said, “May I help you gentlemen?”

“Yes, we’re from the National Police Agency. We suspect there is a law-breaker among you students.”

The class started murmuring, and I began sweating like crazy. Act natural.

“Ren Shimizu,” the man said. “Stand up, and come with us.”

Suddenly, the whole class’s eyes were on me, and I heard more whispers from the rest. Now I’m screwed. But it’ll be okay, I hope.
I tried avoiding eye contact with everyone, including Maho-chan, as I was escorted out of my classroom.

I was led outside to the parking lot, and rode in a police car, headed somewhere.
The strange man in a suit was sitting in the backseat, next to me. He had a shiny badge on, meaning he was definitely the real deal, a member of the police.
But he looks too important to be a regular cop, right?

“Where are we headed?” I managed to ask him.

“We’re headed right to police headquarters,” he told me. “It isn’t too far. We just want to talk with you about something.”

“Am I in trouble?” I asked, knowing it was a dumb question.

“If you were in trouble, wouldn’t you be in handcuffs?” he replied.

I guess he has a point there. I’ll stay quiet.

After The Ride, at Police HQ, Interrogation Room…

This is some serious stuff now. I’m in some sort of interrogation room.
Isn’t this the place where criminals go to be arrested later? Or am I overthinking this?

Right then, the man walked into the room, and sat across the table from me.

“You. Ren Shimizu,” he told me. “We’ve been tracking you for a while. We know what you’ve done, and we want answers, pronto.”

“Answers about… what?” I pretended not to know. “I’ve got nothing to say.”

“Fess up,” he slammed his hand on the table, startling me. “Do I need to remind you?”

I nodded my head. “Yes, officer, tell me everything.”

“The Tokyo Tower incident,” he explained. “Your little show atop the Tokyo Tower?”

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