Operation C.A.K.E.D. F.O.U.R.

Start from the beginning

Numbuh 4: Speak for yourself. When I win Tube-a-thon I'm gonna eat the whole cake in one bite.

Numbuh 5: The only thing you're gonna be eating is Numbuh 5 [I'm not sure what she saids here so I took a guess] wake!

Numbuh 2-5 argue

Hologram DCFDTL: Good luck kids next dumb. (Laughs and Hologram ends)

Tomorrow at a river we see stands all set up for the event

News kid: Ladies and Gentlemen and inner tube enthusiast everywhere, it happens once a year, the chance for one kid, one tuna, one true competitor to win the tube race that all other tube racers inspire to be. I'm talking about Tube-a-thon. An anything goes race made all the sweeter this year by the delightful children's offering of their super-licious birthday cake as first prize. A race that anyone can win. Anyone except Hailey P. Gilligan.

Numbuh 2: Hey! (Gets in the guys face and takes his microphone and also holding Betsy a patched up inner tube) Listen you! My dad thought me a word that the Germans used just what this race is about! No fancy tricks, no gimmicks just the perfect melding between kid and tube into one perfect racing machine and that word is Farfictuben! [I don't know] So set the table at the finish line chump! (she gives him the mic back) Because that's where you'll be eating your words. (Marches off)

News kid: Farfictuben indeed. Inspiring words from a kid who hasn't a clue.

The rest of sector V is preparing their tubes Numbuh 4 is painting a four on her big inner tube Numbuh 5 has a chair and what seems to be a propeller on his, Numbuh 3 has balloons on his and Numbuh 1 looks like a jet ski Numbuh 2 walks up

Numbuh 2: Greetings fellow competitors.

Numbuh 4: Ugh look at that thing. (Numbuh 2 puts a pump into it) You could practically smell how bad it is.

Numbuh 5: (laughs) I don't get you Numbuh 2. You could build the coolest fastest ever, but you just keep using that old thing.

Numbuh 1: Yeah you'll never win the cake riding that.

Numbuh 2: (pumping air into Betsy) I told you, it's not about the cake. My dad won the very first Tube-a-thon and every single race after it using Betsy. He proved that real tubing is about the trust and your tube it's about-

Guy over loudspeaker: Attention all Tube-a-thon tubbers. Please approach the starting line.

Numbuh 2: Now if you'll excuse me Betsy and I have a date with destiny. (All the racers get into their tubes and get them in the water) Alright Betsy let's do this thing

DCFDTL: (in a inner tube with spikes) Well well well what a pathetic piece of flabby garbage that is.

Numbuh 2: You won't be laughing at my tube at the victory party delightful dorks!

DCFDTL: Tube? We were talking about you. (Laughs)

Guy over loudspeaker: Tube-a-thon competitors, are you ready to race! (The competitors cheer) Then on your marks, get set, and…

DCFDTL start the race

Kids who numbuh I don't remember was in the beach episode which I probably didn't know his numbuh then either: Hey they're not allowed to start .0347 tenth of a second early.

DCFDTL: (stop going) Oh we're sorry. Let's try that again. (Bubbles start to appear around them) On your marks, (it is revealed they have some type of boat under their tube which is gigantic) get set, bye-bye. (Start firing at the rest of the competition some are going down and they take off)

Some of the kids are groaning in pain because they were hit

Numbuh 2: FARFICTUBEN! (The ones who didn't get hit start the race all going faster than Numbuh 2 they each go down a water fall) Woo-hoo! Yeehaw! Come on Betsy! (A guy next to him (Ace) salutes him and his tube turns into a plane and he flies off) Oh sure! I could have built one that flies but I got something better! I got Farfi- (gets cut off because she hits the end of the waterfall) Victory here we come!

Genderbend Sector V of the KNDWhere stories live. Discover now