I'm sorry

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I was walking in the streets of the Philippines and I swear I  am blind as a bat. Now I regret walking at night. Anyhow I was walking with only my phone as a flashlight, not helping ONE BIT. I was in the Philippines for a tour with Jump5 Jr. I was in the group as the oldest, yes I'm 15. I was walking until I see a figure coming near and near. I start to freak until he stared at me. It was a young boy, black hair, olive tan skin color. Wearing a white long sleeve shirt and a black graphic Tee on top. He looks cut- shut up Y/N he scared the crap off you.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you somehow?" He stated

"Y-yeah, you did." I said softly.

He comes forward to me. I trust the process,

"Mackie Empuerto," he says, pulling his hand forward to shake.

"Y/N L/N,"

"Let's take you home," he says.

"I'm not native here, I'm here for about 3 months," I said

"How come?" He asked

"I'm part of Jump5 Jr., We're touring here." I said confidently.

"Well let's take you to your hotel then," he said.

I nod, he walks me to the hotel I will be staying at.

We walk in a awkward silence.

Once we get home, I look at him in the eyes.

"Thank you," he nods

"I think you're pretty, maybe we can go out while you stay,"

I feel my cheeks heat up, and nod my head, Mackie kissed my head and left something in my pocket.

"You're cute as f****, call me later ;)

Xx xxx xxx xxxxx"


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