A Burning Sensation

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                   It was over for me. My life was coming to an end. I had failed, for the second time in my entire life, I was hopeless. There was nothing I can do, and I accepted it. I don't know why, maybe it was because I knew I could see my mama again or that the pain would finally be gone, but I accepted my death. The burning sensation was out of my mind as I closed my eyes and smiled.

                    It was finally ov-  *BOOM*. I snapped back awake and froze. What was going on? Was I already dead, did someone save me? Did Rei go in after me? I WOULD RATHER BE IN THIS DAMM VOCANO THAN BE SAVED BY HE-

                    "ASUKA!! ASUKA!! ARE YOU OK??"

                    It was Shinji. That stupid baka, he saved me. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.....

                    "Its ok Shinji, I'm fine" I felt the pain of the lava around me resurface. I was in type D armor and it still hurt like hell. I hope Shinji is ok. ONLY because he saved me. But maybe more than that. Every time I somehow convince myself to do something, Shinji just misses my hints. Like the Wall of Jericho, what idiot wouldn't understand that. Well, Shinji isn't the brightest so maybe he's just not getting the hints. Yea! That's it. That has to be, cause how could he not like me? I am perfection at its finest. And anyways, why would he save me if he didn't like me? I've got to remember to be nicer to him when we get out of this, well, as long as he doesn't apologize for nothing again.

                    "Asuka, I'm so glad you are ok. I'm about to run out of power, so I will lose coms with you. You will be fine though since the Eva's hands will be locked tight. Whatever you do , don't drop your AT field or the lava will get in. And Asuka, I-"

                    "Shinji! Shinji!!" Damn, his power ran out. His AT field is down now. He will be ok though. He's been through worse, right? And anyways, they would've never ordered him to save me if-    WAIT, HOW COULD I BE SUCH AN IDIOT!! There's no way he jumped in here on his own. They ordered him to. I was getting all worked up over nothing. Shinji doesn't care for me. He deserves all the pain that's coming to him. But what if- NO, he didn't. And now I am arguing with myself in my head like an idiot. Why do I ha-  


                    What was that? Oh no, it was the type D armor. This piece of junk looks ugly and sucks at it's job. Why did I have to wear this crap. Now I'm roasting alive.... And it hurts.... A LOT..... My sight is fading..... Great, I'm going to pass out like stupid Shinji does and wake in one of those stupid, uncomfortable hospital beds...........

                    Well, this is an unfamiliar celling. Where am I? Is this Nerv's hospital? Well, it looks like a hospital and oh, there's a Nerv logo on the wall. How it took me even this long to figure it out, I have no idea. I guess my brain still hasn't recovered from my journey in the VERY hot, hot tub. I wonder how Shinji is. He's probably awake now. I still owe him for saving his life, what can I do to repay him?

                    "How are you feeling Asuka?"

                    "You scared me there Misato. I'm fine thank you. How could I be any different? Anyways, forget me, how's Shinji?"

                    "I don't know if he's doing to well Asuka. He hasn't woken up and the doctors don't see him waking soon but he's not going to be awake long. They say it has something to do with the burning of the lava and that his nerves and brain still think he is on fire. ITs overloading his nerves so he's going to be waking up then passing out again a lot.  The doctors say Shinji will  live but he will need a while to rest, even after all that 'sleep'."

                    "Stupid baka! What room is he in Misato, I need to see him, now."

                    "Awwww, you finally gave him a chance. You two are perfect for each other, trust me!"

                    "He doesn't even like me, Misato..."

                    "Doesn't even like you? Yea cause he's HEAD OVER HEALS FOR YOU! Don't you see it in his eyes? Why else do you think he jumped in that volcano for you?"

                    "Because you ordered him to!"

                    "I ordered him to not jump because we would be down two Eva's if it went wrong."

                    "Shinji went against orders.... for me? Whatever, none of that even matters, I just owe him for saving my life, nothing else Misato."

                    "Whatever Asuka, just remember, I am rooting for you two. He's in room 416, the same one he's always in. Are you sure you are ok?"

                    "I am fine Misato, now get out of my way!"

                    I HATE THESE STUPID HALLWAYS! They make NO sense. That's room 320, and right around this corner is room.... ROOM 509!! HOW DID- THIS MAKES NO SENSE!! Wait, is that room 416? IT IS!! YES!! I'm here Shinji!.... He really is out cold.... I owe him my life so I'm going to wait right here till he wakes up. Well, maybe leave to get some food but other than that, I'm not moving!

                    Why'd you do it Shinji? Why? Was it your sense of duty? Camaraderie? It makes no sense. Misato tells me that he's practically in love with me but doesn't show it. She must be blind. I need to get her some glasses...

                    "Assukaa.... Dooon't leavvve mmmee..... Donnn'tt diiee.... pleease...."

                    "Shinji? Are you ok? Are you crying?..... In your sleep?" 

                    Why did I even come here in the first place? Was it because I owed him something for saving my life? Because I was being nice? Because he's my friend? Or was Misato right? Did I want this?....

                    "Assukaa! NO! pleasseee... I can't....."

                    I did want this. It was a secret. Even to me....

                    "Asssukaa....... HUH!! ASUKA"

                    Shinji's.... Shinji's awake! And.. And he's hugging me!

                    "Asuka, you're ok! You really are ok! I'm so glad you're safe! Oh, umm, I'm sorry, I was half asleep, I didn't mean to hug you. I umm, I'm so-"

                    I kissed him, hard. I love him. Or at least like him, a lot. He really does care about me. And even if my mind tried to stop this, there was nothing it could do. My heart was set on Shinji. He's good, and he's mine! He is mine and I am not going to let him go for anything, not even my stupid pride.


                    "Shinji I..... I lo... I really like you.... After yesterday, I think, I.... I couldn't hold it in anymore."

                    "I-.... I like you too Asuka...."

                    "Then you're mine! All mine! You got that!"


                    "Baka Shinji....... My Baka Shinji........"


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