When they got back to the hotel, Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai reassured their friends that they and the police were doing everything in their power to find Ying Yue. You Qi showed Gu Hai all of the messages that he had gotten from his fans in Thailand. 
  Gu Hai looked at You Qi. He silently thanked him in his mind. After all these years of knowing this guy, Gu Hai looked at him as a man. Someone who was a friend to Bai LuoYin, but was now family. Gu Hai knew that You Qi cared for them both, but still, the feeling of You Qi liking his wife would always trigger him. He couldn’t bring himself to trust You Qi, or anyone else in the world, but what You Qi had just done brought him a bit closer in their weird friendship. He tapped You Qi on his shoulder and nodded. 
  You Qi knew that Gu Hai was a man who would never show emotion towards him, but the way Gu Hai looked at him and the unspoken acknowledgment between them was enough. He nodded his head back and stepped away.
  “Where is Jiang Yifei,” asked Bai Luoyin.
  “She is in the bedroom,” Yang Meng said, “she has been crying for a long time.”
  Bai LuoYin looked over at Gu Hai with a surprised look on his face and they both headed for her room.
  Gu Hai knocked twice and waited for her to answer. When she allowed them to enter, she was wiping at her eyes furiously with some tissues. 
  “Jiang-,” Bai LuoYin began to say.
  “No,” she said quickly, “I’m fine!” She looked down at her hands and swallowed. 
  Gu Hai walked up to her and sat on the edge of the bed. He took her hand in his own and said her name out loud. She looked up at him from under her covers and tried to smile.
  “I know you blame yourself,” Gu Hai said, “but don’t. Please stop crying.”
  Jiang Yifei shook her head slowly. “I can’t,” she sniffled, “I feel so horrible. If I hadn’t been distracted I would have noticed something was wrong.”
  Bai LuoYin bit his bottom lip. He felt the same way. If he hadn’t tied up Gu Hai, they both would have been there to keep Ying Yue safe. He blamed himself. “It’s not your fault,” he said, “I promise. We do not blame you for this.” 
  Jiang Yifei glanced at him and looked back down at her hands. She wished that she could go out and look for her friend. When they had gotten back to the hotel, Wang Wei said very little to her. He had disappeared without a word. She wondered if he was blaming himself also.
  “We will find her,” Gu Hai said, squeezing her hand a little. “If I have to search this entire place, I will bring her back safely to us.”
  Jiang Yifei smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. She looked back down at her hands.
  Bai LuoYin sat down on the opposite side of the bed. He reached for her other hand and squeezed it. “Don’t worry,” he said, “we will find her. This is no one's fault but the people that took her from us.” 
  “Please try and get some sleep, for the baby,” Gu Hai said softly. 
  Jiang Yifei nodded and rolled over. She heard when they left the room and closed the door behind them. She wondered if she would get any sleep tonight. Her mind was all over the place.
  Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin’s next stop was to Wang Wei’s room. They knocked and waited. When Wang Wei opened the door he didn’t seem surprised to see them at all. 
  “Are you okay,” asked Bai LuoYin. 
  Wang Wei shook his head.
  Gu Hai glanced on the bed and noticed that his bags were packed. “Did you not have a chance to unpack since we got here,” he asked.
  Wang Wei looked down at his feet and said, “I did. But I packed my bags in case you two wanted me to leave immediately.” 
  “Leave,” said Bai LuoYin, confused. 
  Gu Hai frowned at him sideways. “Did you think that we were coming here to fire you?”
  Wang Wei nodded, still looking at his feet.
  “Oh, Wang Wei,” Gu Hai said, stepping closer to him. He placed a hand on the man’s shoulder. “We didn’t come to fire you. There was nothing we could have done to avoid this. The men who took her were very cunning. But I assure you, we will do everything we can to get her back. I still need your help.”
  Wang Wei looked up at him puzzled. “You’re not firing me,” he asked. 
  Gu Hai shook his head. “You are one of my best men. Also, it would break Jiang Yifei’s heart if we let you go.”
  Bai LuoYin nodded in agreement. 
  “I need you to gather up the rest of the men. I have a job for you all to do. I am even going to increase everyone’s pay,” Gu Hai said. 
  Bai LuoYin’s eyebrows ruffled. What was Gu Hai talking about? 
  “Yes, sir,” Wang Wei said and left the room.
  “What are you planning to do,” asked Bai LuoYin. He leaned against the wall in the room and folded his arms across his chest. 
  Gu Hai casually turned to him. The look on his face was something dark, but serious. “I am going to find them if it’s the last thing that I do,” he said.
  Bai LuoYin’s arms dropped to his side. He didn’t like Gu Hai’s tone or the way his eyes had darkened. “Gu Hai,” he said, as if his name meant stop. 
  Gu Hai took a step closer to him and said, “I will not rest until I find them. I will turn this country on its head to find my child.” 
  Bai LuoYin wasn’t shocked to hear those words. He inhaled and exhaled slowly. “Gu Hai,” he said, “we will do everything in our power to find them, but do not do something that you will regret later. Your status is high. Irrational behavior makes people do unnecessary things.”
  Gu Hai embraced him, put his lips close to his ear, and said, “When it comes to my unborn child, I don't care. I will kill if I have to.”
  Bai LuoYin’s eyes went wide as he nestled his chin on his husband’s shoulder. Hearing him say, I will kill if I have to, unlocked something deep inside of him. He wondered if his father would have done and said the same if he were in their situation. Bai Han Qi was always a nice man and he couldn’t imagine his father saying that he would kill another man. Gu Wei Ting on the other hand was someone who would say such vicious things. 
  Their embrace turned into something warm. Bai LuoYin felt his husband relax. Gu Hai’s hands moved from around Bai LuoYin’s neck to around his waist. Bai LuoYin switched positions also, moving his own hands from around Gu Hai’s waist to wrap them around his shoulders. They held one another in silence for a few minutes.
  “Yin Zi,” whispered Gu Hai.
  “Mm,” Bai LuoYin chirped, his head resting on Gu Hai’s chest, eyes closed.
  “Do not blame yourself for this,” Gu Hai said.
  As if saying those words unlocked him, Bai LuoYin cried. Tears fell from his face, endlessly. He had been trying his best not to feel guilty, not to feel as if it was mainly him that caused Ying Yue to be kidnapped. If they had been there, none of this would have happened. 
  Gu Hai stiffened. He immediately squeezed his lovely wife tighter. His head ached and his chin quivered. He also felt like crying. Not because of Bai LuoYin, but because he felt helpless. He pulled away and brought Bai LuoYin’s chin up with his fingers, making sure that they locked eyes. “It will be okay,” he whispered. Then he took him into his arms again, embracing him tighter than before. 
  “I shouldn’t have-” Bai LuoYin began to say.
  “Shh! It doesn't matter anymore. We will find her. Wipe everything you feel bad about away. It is not our fault. No matter what, the person who did this will pay. I promise,” said Gu Hai.
  Hearing his words still did nothing to make Bai LuoYin feel better. He sniffled and cried.

  Xiaoping listened with wide, furious eyes. Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin had made their move. Every major news and magazine company was helping them now. He had to think smart. If he didn’t want to be caught, he would have to stay two steps ahead of them. He ordered one of his men to go to the store and fetch him some things. Then he went back to check in on Ying Yue. 
  “No need to worry,” he said, closing the door behind him and crawling back into the bed, “nothing to worry about.” 
  Ying Yue cringed as he slid closer to her and took her hand in his own. 
  “Go to sleep my love. You must be tired,” he said.
  Ying Yue looked down at their twined hands and blinked. Something deep down inside of her told her that Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai were looking for her. She pulled her hand from his, gently, turned her body so that her back was facing him, and pretended to go to sleep. 
  An hour passed and she heard a slight knock on the door. He got up, opened the door, whispered something, and then turned on the light. She kept her eyes shut as she heard him open a bag of something. Then he climbed onto the bed again. He moved about next to her for a few minutes then he went still. “My love,” he whispered, checking to see if she was awake. She remained silent. He moved again on the bed and she felt him touch her hair. He sniffed it and exhaled. 
  Ying Yue’s heart raced. What was he doing? Was he pleasuring himself? She thought, if he touched her breasts, she would bite him. She heard him mumble something under his breath and then she felt a slight tug on her ponytail. 
  Her eyes shot open, but her fear made her entire body freeze up. Had he just cut her hair? 
  He moved about some more and she felt him cutting off more of her long brown locks. Why would he do that? She heard him sniff the air again and knew that he was smelling her hair again, this time the piece that he had cut off. She heard when he exhaled and the pleasure that escaped him was noticeable. Was he going to keep her hair as some kind of souvenir? Did he know that she wouldn’t have sex with him? Maybe he took a piece of her hair because he wanted to get off in a sexual way? 
  Xiaoping got off of the bed as slowly as he could. He moved around to the other side of the bed so that he could see his wife’s face better. As he looked upon her, he envisioned what she would look like with short hair. Her hair had always been long. When she woke up in the morning, she was going to be upset. He wondered if she would try to hit him. He laughed internally, recalling one of the women he had been with. She had shoulder length hair and she looked sexy with it. He knew that the trim he had given her wasn’t perfect, but he would try to fix it in the morning. He walked back over to his side of the bed and collected his bag of things. He looked down inside of the bag at the small box inside and wondered if he had chosen well. He looked back over at her sleeping frame and frowned. Would he have to hit her if she acted up in the morning? He thought of the child growing inside of her and the thought vanished from his mind. He would not feel guilty. No. Not one bit. He planned on giving the baby away after she had it. He would send it to the other side of the world if he had to. Then, after some encouragement, she would get her body back to the way it was and he would love her forever. He would wipe away this whole thing, start over, a fresh new life with her. He would ruin Gu Hai and his company as revenge. 

"Are You Still Addicted?" Book One (Addicted Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now