Quidditch, among things

Start from the beginning

I held up the piece of paper.
"Bloody hell". She said dropping her towel. "Well open it".

"I'm not sure I.."

"Do it, coward". She said pushing my arm. I slowly unfolded the paper. "Silver" was written on the top. Below was a drawing of a necklace with one small pendant. It was a little gold bird, looked like a black bird or a crow.

"A necklace?" Raine said examining the paper.
"I'm not sure what it means... but it fell out of my locker. This... silver guy, I think he knows I took his paper from Defense Against the Dark Arts. What if it's a trap?"

"Well there's only one way to find out," said Raine. "We gotta get this necklace".

"Where would we even look?" I questioned. "Ravenclaw?"

"Are you daft? No. There's an enchanted jewelry shop in Hogsmeade, we can go after potions".


"Good afternoon, class". Professor Snape walked in to the room, potion book in hand. "Turn to page 736". I stood next to Raine, my partner for eternity, getting ready to dread the next hour.
Draco stood a few tables across from us with Blaise, and on the other side, Ravenclaws. We were lucky enough to have potions with the Fland sisters this year, who I couldn't help but notice were laughing at the enormity of the ice pack on my table.

"Today we will be brewing Amorentia". Snape said. "Can anyone tell me what that is, Miss Williams?"

"It's a potion, that when stirred, you can smell your greatest desire, or something you really love the energy of". I stated.

"Correct, ten points to Slytherin". A cough came from across the room. "Know it all". I made eye contact with Bella, taking a deep sigh.

"You may begin brewing". Snape stated. I flipped to the first step. "Okay, crush titmeg eyes into the potion, then add the mugworm..."
"Raine". I said lamely.
"What?" She said innocently. She's a bad liar.
"Hand over the mugworm, I'm not a dumbass".
"Ugh", she rolled her eyes and placed two sticks in my hand.
"All of it". I said. She placed another.
"I'm keeping the fourth though, we don't need it.
I gave her an exasperated sigh, stirring the potion.

Once everyone was finished, Snape spoke.
"Amelia, care to share what you smell?"
Amelia nodded, smiling slyly and taking a deep breath. "Fresh grass, musk, leather anddd wood". She stated.
"Good, miss Williams?" I sighed and breathed in.
"Fresh grass... wood... pine... leather..."
"You can't possibly mean to tell me that you smell the same thing as miss Fland?" Snape questioned. "Unless you're attempting to hide a failed potion". Snape marched over and sniffed, glaring at me.
"Failure". He stated. What? My brew worked! That's what I smelled!
"Silence! I'm disappointed". He stated. I looked over to see the Fland sisters snickering, Raine looked baffled as well.
"Draco, tell me what you smell". Draco bent down.
"Sunflower... wine... cherries... and.. and..."
"Yes?" Questioned Snape.
"That's it". He replied.
"Mr. Malfoy I presume you know that amorentia requires that you notice four smells, unless youre suggesting that you too didn't complete the potion correctly? Twenty points from Slytherin". There was a subtle gasp across the classroom.
"Class dismissed. I expect you not to repeat the same mistakes next time".


"I can't believe what just happened". I trudged up the hill into Hogsmeade with Raine. "Our potion was fine!"

"Well, maybe we just missed something?" She suggested.

"I never miss anything". I whined pushing my feet harder into the ground. As we entered the town, we noticed the bustling of students. Drinking, laughing, eating chocolate frogs and playing snapjack outside. It wasn't too cold tonight, but the fall air bore an inviting crispness that nobody could resist.

"Okay, if I remember, this is the shop". Said Raine, leading me to a much older looking building. The outside was black, but jewels of all kind gleamed from within. We entered and looked around.

"Welcome to enchanted jewels my dears". An older woman peered out from around the counter. "Is there anything I can help you with today?"

"Yes, actually". I said making my way towards her with the paper, Raine following behind. I held up the note and showed her a picture of the necklace. She studied it for a while, then looked more excited.

"I'll be right back," she disappeared behind a curtain before reappearing with a black box. She placed it on the counter in front of us and opened it slowly. Inside laid the most beautiful necklace, that matched the picture exactly.

"What can you tell us about this necklace?" Raine asked.

"Well I don't know much, a man brought it in only a few days ago, along with this journal". The journal matched the type of paper that I had found before. Blue leather, blue lined paper.

"What did he look like?" I asked

"I didn't get a good look at him, in fact I'm not even sure it was a man, he was hooded and it was dark... are you looking to buy?" She asked.

I looked at Raine. "How much?"

"50 Galleons". She stated. That was more than what I had.
"Okay". Said Raine plopping thirty galleons on the table. I looked at her with wide eyes. "What?? This is my problem too ya know".

I pulled out twenty galleons and scooped up the journal. Raine placed the necklace around her neck and we left the shop. "I wouldn't be upset if this silver guy kept sending you gifts". She laughed admiring the necklace.

"Whatever he wants, I just hope it's straight forward. I'm not here to play games, and it's only day one". I said placing the journal in my satchel. "Cmon, let's go to the Three Broomsticks". I stated making my way up the path to the pub.

"Say less". Raine said following me. The inside of the tavern was populated. Students sat around chatting loudly and drinking, some had clearly slipped wolfsbane into their butter beer.

"After the night I had last night, I think I'm good for a while". Raine said. "Oh look!" She pointed.

Draco was sitting in the corner, looking around. He slowly made eye contact with us and sat up from his lulled slouch.

"Let's go over". I said. "Maybe he knows why snape hated our potion".

"Well isn't it the cheeriest bunch I've seen all day". He stated twirling his butter beer. He was clearly a little tipsy.

"Cheery? Here's a question, do you pay attention to us at all?" Raine asked as she and I sat down in front of him.

"No, but here's another question princess, why are you wearing my mother's pendant?"

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