"Is Robb alright?" Dahlia asked, as soon as it was just her and the Blackfish - well, and four of her guards - in the hallways of the Tullys' castle.

"The King is alright, your Grace, he's safe." The Blackfish assured, as Dahlia let out a gentle breath of relief. "There are just some matters his Grace wants to discuss with you."

Dahlia had nodded then, growing silent for the rest of the walk as she allowed the Blackfish to guide her through the hallways of the castle he knew better than Dahlia ever could. He guided her toward the main room, and nodded for the guards outside the door to push it open and allow them inside. As soon as the doors were open, Dahlia took a look inside. There, in the main room, stood Robb, of course and Lord Edmure off to one side. Sitting a chair in a dark corner was Catelyn, almost hidden, as if she didn't want to be there, and in the middle of the room, there was something that Dahlia couldn't really make out, covered by a large piece of cloth.

"My love." Robb called, as soon as he saw Dahlia standing there. He extended a hand out to her, quietly urging her to come and stand beside him and, at the sound of his voice, Dahlia lifted her eyes from the cloth to look at her husband instead. "I hope I didn't wake you."

"No, my love." Dahlia shook her head, letting go of the Blackfish's arm to walk over to Robb instead, as she grabbed his hand in hers. "I was chatting with Lady Jeyne."

"Oh, forgive me the interruption, then." Robb said, his words light, but his tone dark and Dahlia frowned, suddenly worried. "I just had something to tell you and it didn't feel right to wait until night. Or to say it without looking in your eyes."

"What is it?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing even more when Robb sighed gently. "Robb, what is it?"

"Love, listen... I don't want to overwhelm you, arlight, but I need to show you this." He said, squeezing Dahlia's hand in his for a moment, as the girl shook her head.

"You're worrying me, Robb." She said, and Robb sighed again, gathering his wife in his arms as he tucked her into her side before turning to the Blackfish and nodding his head once.

The older man approached the cloth on the floor and, after looking up at Robb one more time for confirmation, the Blackfish pulled the cloth off the floor and Dahlia gasped as soon as she saw what was underneath it.

"No." She whispered, gulping down hard as she looked down at the bodies displayed in front of her: Martyn and Willem Lannister, dead, cold and bloodied from where they had, apparently, been stabbed in the chest. "Robb..."

"I know, love." Robb mumbled, cradling Dahlia's head so it was resting against his shoulder as he ran a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry."

Now, it was true. The Starks hated the Lannisters. Of course they did. They were going up in a war against them, after all. But Robb Stark hated Joffrey Baratheon. He hated Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister and Tyrion Lannister and Twyin Lannister and even Kevan Lannister, but he didn't hate Matyn and Willem Lannisters. They were boys only, not guilty of anything but of carrying the wrong name. And now, they laid dead in front of him and his wife and his family because of a mad man in his ranks who had been consumed by vengence and anger.

Robb felt Dahlia move from his grip and, as much as he didn't want to let her go, he knew she needed a moment. After all, she had been treating the boys and talking to them everyday for the past few days. They were healing well, she had told Robb one night. They were healing well and now, they lay dead.

Dahlia frowned, kneeling down on the floor beside young Willem and letting her hand hover over his wound. A single stab wound through his chest - straight through his heart. At least he had a quick death, Dahlia thought. Painful to be sure, but quick. Noticing his wife's grief only fuelled Robb's anger over the actions of Lord Karstark and so, without wasting another moment, he fixed his posture as the King in the North and not anymore like the carrying husband he had been just before.

The Crossed Rose - GoT - R.S.Where stories live. Discover now