Season 8 Episode 8 'Protect and Serve'

Start from the beginning

"Call Adam, now!" She nodded and got out her phone as she headed into the back room with Rocky.

"Hey, Adam." 

"Hey Emma, we just made the arrest."

"Yeah, well we got a problem. There's a video surfacing online, one that we didn't know about. I'm about to see it right now. Rocky go." Emma said handing him the phone and taking the laptop from him as they got into the back office. Emma plugged in his laptop and started typing as Rocky talked. 

"Hi! Okay, so Jeff Duncan had this app on his phone that recorded the whole thing and sent it to everyone on his emergency contacts list."

"How many people have seen it?" Kevin asked.

"It just went viral about twenty three minuets ago. We've already got protests at City Hall, Headquarters, all the jails and detentions. Death threats are already being made against Wheeler." Rocky said as Emma continued to work on the video.

"Okay, what are you guys saying here?" Adam asked.

"We're saying you can't bring him in yet, not until we sort this out." Emma sighed. "Sorry."

"What do we do then?" Adam asked.

"There's a safe house, ten minuets from you. I found it on the database and I'm sending everything to you guys right now. Just stay there and lay low. We are working as quick as we can." Rocky said. "

"Alright, you guys be safe." Adam said before hanging up.

"This is-" Rocky sighed, he couldn't even find the words. Emma nodded.


"I gotta get back down to my office, I'm surveying every single website, TV Network, anything like that I could think of. I'll call if something more comes up."

"Sounds good." Emma said as they split up.


Adam, Kevin, and Officer Wheelan go to the safe house. The location of it is leaked and the house is shot up. 

They escape, barley, and speed away. They go to an abandoned factory to hide out and stay safe.


"Hey Sarge! We got a problem!" Jay shouted sprinting up the stairs. "Our guys got ambushed."

"What!" Kim exclaimed, Voight rushed out of his office and over to the middle of the bullpen where Jay was holding up his phone.

"I'm here! Are you guys okay, I heard the whole thing over the radio." Jay said.

"Yeah, someone hit the safehouse." Adam said.

"What the hell does he mean hit?" Kim asked.

"Are you alright?" Jay asked.

"We're fine. We hit one of the shooters, maybe two. Both where masked. Place was clearly compromised. They where there to kill Wheelan."

"Adam, are you still at the safe house?" Voight asked.

"No! We're driving! Patrol had said they where a minuet out but driving feels safer now."

"Okay! we're all heading to the safe house right now. Rocky will send you an off-road location. Hang there until we can get you an escort. Only use your DC's to communicate."

"Copy that."


"Copy that." Emma heard Voight say into his radio as he walked over to her and Jay, they where examining the body.  "What have we got."

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