You powerpuff girls have fun!

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"Hey Riley!" JJ shouted in the girls direction, and started making his way over.

Riley heard his voice, and saw him coming towards her, she grabbed the boys face in front of her and kissed him. She didn't know why she did it. She just did.

It was sloppy, and boring and tasted like the alcohol they'd both been consuming all night but she didn't care. She could not speak to JJ right now.

JJ looked at the girl in shock. He watched as the random guy had his hands all over Riley. His Riley. He watched as they kissed. He watched as she moved the guys hands away from her ass but the guy moved them back there again.

JJ felt his whole face tense and his fists tense in his hands. He didn't even think, but headed straight over to the two and didn't hesitate to pull the guy off Riley and grab him by the collar.

"Woah man!" The guy shouted at JJ.

"If i ever see your filthy hands on my girl again I'll fucking kill you. Got it?" JJ threatened the guy in a low and serious voice.

"I didn't know she had a boyfriend man, chill!" The guy shouted at JJ.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Riley shouted, looking at JJ in annoyance.

"Fuck. Off" JJ spat at the boy, dropping his collar and letting him scurry away.

"What the actual Fuck JJ?" Riley asked the boy in complete disbelief.

"Good to see you too ry" he rolled his eyes at the girl.

"What the hell are you doing!" She said, pulling the boy away from the crowds.

"We're back in the G game baby!" He told the girl, grabbing her face between his hands. She smacked them away.

"I don't care about the fucking money JJ!" She shouted at the boy "I cannot deal with you! You- you're hot and cold, you're disappearing and appearing, you're making me fall in love with your dumb ass, and then making me feel like shit!" She shouted at the boy. She knew she was drunk and she knew she would probably regret saying all this but she couldn't stop herself.

"You're in the love with me?" Was all the boy said, smirking.

Riley looked at him in disbelief "you're fucking unbelievable JJ Maybank!" She shouted at the boy, and turned to walk away from him, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back

"Wait ry-" he started before they were interrupted.

"I'm wondering if you could get me a mai tai my friend" the voice of Rafe spoke, shoving JJ.

"Riley, nice to see you again" he winked at the girl.

"Well I'm on the clock right now, you guys look spiffy, I got a few orders ahead of you, so why don't you guys just go ahead and wait by the bar?"

JJ told the boys, as Riley began to slide her heels off her feet, she got the feeling they were about to run.

"Yeah you guys just help yourselves to hors d'oeuvres" JJ said grabbing Riley's hand.

"We will be right back" JJ told the boys, and just like that he pulled Riley's hand and they were running.

They ran through the bar, JJ throwing chairs behind them to try and block them from the kooks following them. They carried on running, Riley checking behind her every few seconds, seeing about 10 kooks running after them "JJ!" She warned him, panicked.

"In here!" He pulled the girl into the gents bathroom, and began knocking on all the cubicles, and Riley received strange looks from other men. She smiled at them awkwardly.

JJ grabbed her hand again, and pulled her into the locker room, where they bumped into the kooks.

"Hey guys what you doing in the Locker room?" Rafe smirked at the two.

JJ tried to pull Riley back out the way they came, but someone grabbed JJ and pushed him back, and Riley felt someone grab her hair and pull her backwards, and hold her by her neck, she turned to see the random guy she was with earlier.

Kelce was holding JJ, whilst Rafe walked over to him, "what we thinking then guys a four iron right?" He mocked, pretending to hold a golf club. "Alright keep his head still I'm gonna line this up"

"Very brave if you Rafe, 7 on 2?" He spat at the boy "if you could please stop talking it's very disrespectful when I'm trying to hit a ball" Rafe mocked JJ again.

"Leave him the fuck alone you asshole!" Riley shouted at Rafe.

"Awh princess, I almost forgot you were here!" Rafe said walking over the Riley, and began lifting her dress with his hand.

"Get the fuck away from her you pig!" JJ shouted, trying to break out of kelces hold. Riley spat in Rafes face.

"Wrong move princess" Rafe smirked, before smacking Riley round the face. The guy holding her began laughing, as she tried to wriggle out of his grip, about three guys were holding JJ back now.

"And what do we have here?" Rafe said grabbing Riley's arm aggressively, and pointing to the scars that travel all the way up her arm.
"This is what hanging out with pogues does to you folkes. Makes you fucking cut yourself it's that fucking depressing!" Rafe laughed.

Riley could feel her face heating up, and tears began forming in her eyes. She swung for Rafe and punched him straight round the face.

"It's got to be about 10 times you've got punched by me this summer Rafe and you just keep begging for more" she smirked at the boy "how does it feel Rafe? Getting beaten up by a girl over and over and over and-"

"You stupid fucking whore-" Rafe started before a security guard entered the room.

"Break it up guys!" The security guard began "is there a problem here guys?"

"Pardon me officer no there's not a problem" Riley began but JJ cut her off.

"Yes yes there is a problem. We got a criminal tress pass in progress here. Beep! Call it in right?" He said, and looking at Riley to tell her to go along with it.

"Yeah blatant disrespect of private property, we're in violation of all kinds" Riley told the security guard.

"But these young gentleman-" JJ continued, straightening kelces tie

"Don't touch my shit" he snapped at JJ and Riley couldn't help but smile trying to hide her laugh.

"Caught us sir and they're about to take us away" JJ grinned at Riley.

"Yep that's what you should do escort us out of here" Riley agreed.

The security guard grabbed hold of Riley and JJ and began pulling them out the room.

"Fix that tie son!" JJ shouted to kelce.

"You're looking spiffy too!" She shouted to the guy who had hold of Riley "you powerpuff girls have fun!"

"Hey Riley, even if you're a pogue I wouldn't mind taking that dress off you, you're hot as fuck" Rafe shouted after them, JJ ran forward and escaped the security guards grip and lunged for Rafe, but the guard grabbed him and carried on pulling him away "you're fucking dead Cameron!" JJ shouted back to him.

"Safe travels back to cut!" Rafe shouted back.

My Girl - JJ Maybank x female OC حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن