Nanari: what him?

Someone walked through the door. That face. That outfit. I won't be wrong. ' gon!!!'

Gon: killua... Gomen but first I got to handle something.

Gon wasn't angry, he was pissed.

Gon: you are the woman who bore my child?

Nanari: why? Are you going to kill me because that old hag somehow convinced you to?

Gon: leave. Both of you. I never wanted to help capture nanari. I came to see her and to protect her from you people. Leave. Now.

Kunra: ha...hai.

Kanra: you will regret what you have done.

' Killua!!! ' we hugged each other.

Nanari: gomen. Gomen. Gomen. Gomen.

I patted her head ' stop. I know its not your fault. ' truthfully I felt a little angry. With gon... A...child...


Nanari: sigh... This is the full story.

A girl was given both power and authority, something everyone would be in envy of. Yet her life wasn't something she could control though she had the power to decide many things. But clearly how her life should be isn't hers to decide.

Freedom to buy what she likes.
Soneone would do that for her.

Freedom to play outside.
None. For they were afraid she would run away.

Make friends.
They were all investigated scaring all the friends away.

Naturally... Even her engagement partner was chosen for her. To enlarge the power of the Haiten family.

But luckily, her engagement partner never shared a room with her much less talk to her. They were only of status.

The Haiten family had no heir. They needed one. The mother aloe thought it was a good chance to make a good one. To find people with good genes to make a good heir.

So she did. Only a few made onto aloe's list. Most were too old and deemed not worthy. The first on the list was ging.

Gon: what?!! Are you serious?!!

Nanari: hai. But ging rejected even after getting fed up for being stalked for so long.

The next on the list was gon... He rejected. But aloe wasn't going to let him run away like that. After all gon wasn't as difficult to deal with as ging.

So she drugged gon's drink while inviting over for a drink. And while gon was unconscious she ordered a black doctor to take sperms from gon.

Than she went back and convinced the girl to take the sperm to bear a child for the Haiten family.

All for the sake of Haiten family.

Why she agreed...

Was because her mother aloe cried and begged her to do it. And... Aloe promised the girl she could get out of the house for two months.

The girl overjoyed and agreed.

But aloe lied.

The girl, no... I never got out. The security was even more strict than usual.

I couldn't trust anyone anymore... They were all under her orders. I wanted to run. I wanted to get out.

But where could I go?

I didn't want to bring burden to the zolydck family.

I didn't want the people who didn't know me to get killed just because they needed some information about me.

I could have gone to a place where no one can find me...

But with no one to accompany me...

Its so lonely...

Than wouldn't it be better if the girl stayed and obeyed?  At least there were still people.

I hugged her tight and my tears fall ' gomen. ' I said softly. It was that hard for her. I should have came earlier for her.

Nanari: mmm... Gomen.

Gon: nanari. Arigato

Nanari: eh? Why?

Gon: for bearing this child for me. It was hard for you.

Nanari: this child... You don't really acknowledge him do you? I'm not talking about responsibility.

Gon: you worry too much. I do acknowledge him. He is my child after all. I admit I was a little lost when I knew I had him. But now... I actually feel happy I have him. But just like ging, *smiles* I'm not going to be a good father I guess.

Nanari: arigato. *smiles* can I hug you?

Gon: eh?

Killua: you guys are really similar.

Nanari: arigato killua.

She hugged him ' arigato. For not being angry. You just have to acknowledge him. That's all. Than he won't be that sad. '

Gon patted her head ' you're really silly you know. '

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