Just the beginning

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My name is Jacob, my eyes are a deep blue and I have hair as golden as the sun. I had spent most of my twenties  dedicated to Trumps campaign. When I saw the news that he had lost the 2020 election to Biden I was furious. My leader, my only one I could love had lost to a liberal. It took me weeks to recover from the devastation I had felt. What finally made me feel normal again was that Donald trump had just published a new book called the "biggest fraud of the decade". Butterflies rushed to my stomach when I heard that he was going to have a book signing event. Little did I know the romance that would later develop. My body yearned for the event. Every second of each day I thought about being able to see his beautiful orange skin and his swoopy locks. I had hoped to be able talk to him, just us, no one else.
When I went to sleep later that night I dreamed of the event soon to come. The first thing I do when I wake up is watch his speeches, they get me started for the day with his assertive inspiring words. Oh the things that I would do for this man. It was one day before the event when the reality finally started to sink in. I was going to meet the man of my dreams. But then I thought no homo bro.

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