
No can be spoken,
I'm uncomfortable can be spoken,
We should stop can be spoken,
Please stop can be spoken,
No can also be body language,
No can be the uncertainty of one's voice,
No can be the quickened breaths,
No can be the sweaty palms,
No can be the flinches,
No is just more than words,
No is so much more,
You're more worried about your reputation,
You're more worried about yourself,
Enough to put down my PTSD,
Then to care about my PTSD,
When in reality,
You're an asshole,
You're a horrible friend,
And a narcissistic dick.
You love making everything about yourself,
You crave attention,
You crave the spotlight,
Even if it means you told your best friend I sucked your dick.
Or how paranoid you are at thinking I could be talking shit about you.
God, I wish I had taken the warnings others gave me.
But I'm just the girl you warn others to be careful about.
I love how you painted me as the villain with your victim complex.
So go ahead and tarnish my name.
When I haven't talked shit about you.
You're self-sabotaging yourself.


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