"Oka-" Kian cuts himself off and looks through the open glass doors into the flat upon hearing the house phone ringing out.

Alarm bells immediately sound in his head.

He most definitely isn't expecting anyone.

The only person he would accept being around Kiara at this very moment is Rowan and he lives there.

"Phone." Kiara points into the house.

"Yes honey." Kian replies, forehead scrunched in concern.

"Let's go see who it is. It could just be Alan with some post or fan mail." Kain ponders aloud, despite the child not being able to comprehend half of what he just said, or knowing who the hell Alan is.

Kian holds up the toddler, shaking her side to side to drip the bubbles off her whilst she laughs her tiny heart out at the action, oblivious to Kian's worry.

Upon noticing the incessant phone that had already stopped and started ringing all over again, he hurries his actions and wraps Kiara's princess towel around her tightly so that she's like a small, cuddly burrito, leaving just her chubby face peaking out the top.

The young father lays a sloppy, dramatic kiss on each of her cheeks and cradles her securely to his chest.

He wipes his own feet on the mat inside and quickly ruffles his hair with his towel before hurrying over to the elevator door and pressing the speaker button on the wall.

"Alan?" Kian guesses.

"Mr Wiley. I'm so sorry to interrupt your day but there is an officer from LAPD at the front desk claiming she has a scheduled visit with you this morning?" Alan politely debriefs him.

Kian both relaxes and then tenses up again all within a few seconds, realising he had been having so much fun that he forgot about the routine home assessment for Kiara.

He was glad he didn't have to make up any excuses to ward off unwelcome visitors away from Kiara.

But he was also annoyed that their moment was interrupted whilst he was half dressed and soaking wet when he knows his penthouse is more then adequate to house anyone, never mind his own child.

I suppose I should appreciate how thorough they're willing to be to ensure my princess is safe and looked after, Kian thinks.

"Ah yes, my bad Alan it completely slipped my mind. Send them up now please." He instructs the old door man.

"No problem." Alan responds before ending the call.

Kian looks down at his burrito baby whose sparkling blue eyes are already locked on him, and feels his heart melt once again.

"Aren't you just the cutest little burrito I've ever seen?" He questions, a fond smile lighting up his expression.

"What's dat?" She smiles back, none the wiser.

"It's tasty food. Kind of like a sandwich but all wrapped up like you." He explains, nuzzling her nose with his.

Just then she releases a big yawn that Kian would compare to that of a puppy's.

Completely innocent yet it somehow makes your adoration grow for them.

"Are you tired sunshine?" He asks the toddler, to which she nods her head, yes.

"Try and stay awake for just a tiny bit longer and then I'll let you take a nap okay? There's a police officer coming to visit and make sure you're happy with daddy." Kian explains, hoping his words don't go straight in one ear and out the other.

Raising KiaraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ