A key to what exactly?!

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The annoying sound of an alarm repeatedly ringed in a teenage boy's room. He groaned and turned his alarm off. He buried his face into the soft pillows. The warmth of the bed made him weak, a few more hours of sleep would be nice. Hoshiumi's eyes stung so bad, he could feel the light eyebags. It's 5 am. Resting for half on hour couldn't hurt, right? He turned on his back, closed eyes, hands resting on his stomach under the blanket. Is it just him or this place is colder by the day? Maybe he should ask his mom to do something with the temperature later? Well, later.


"Korai, are you awake?"
With a grunt, he jumped up into a sitting position. Thankfully, he his eyes had mercy on him, they had stopped stinging.


"Uh, it's Monday, you know."

"I know...? What is it?"

"It's 7am."


His mom left in a blink. He immediately stood up and grabbed the nearest hoodie and a random underwear. He jogged to the bathroom. He hissed when the ice cold water practically slammed on his back. He shivered so badly, but at least the shower was quick...
He brushed his teeth with his right hand while the left was struggling to brush his hair.
He ran back to his room. He fished out the school's uniform from his closet. He dressed up as fast as he could, maybe leaving out a few things during out. Like tucking the shoelaces under his foot, he may or may not left a few buttons undone or misbuttoned. He threw his books into his backpack, sometimes not even looking if it was for the actual subject. He rushed down the stairs, shouting a hi to greet everyone.

"Ready to go?"
Hoshiumi strictly nodded. His father's mouth curled into a cheeky smile as he ruffled his son's 'feathers'. His parents liked to call his hair either feathers or a birdnest. They knew very well how to get on his nerves early in the morning.

"We're leaving."
His father tossed him the carkeys as he stepped back to shout a quick 'goodbye'.

"Have fun."

As the car started, the radio screamed along with it. He jumped since he was startled by it. He heard his father faintly giggle about it before he started driving. Meh.

Hoshiumi mourned a quick 'thanks' before his father drove off. He groggily straightened his back to look around. There is too much people here to see them...

Hands, much larger than his own, grabbed into his shoulders. Just by the black nailpolish and the such a sweet guy voice, it wasn't a mystery who was behind it. Hirugami.

"Did you get startled?"

"As if, asshole. Also, you should repaint your nails, they look shitty like this."

"Teammates told me it looks cool this way, so i'll keep it this way for a few days."
With an audible grunt he shot Hirugami a fast grimace.
"Also, where are they?"
Hoshiumi changed the topic before Hirugami could tease him about how scared he was apparently
"Told them to go ahead. They wanted to buy something to eat before the store is flooded by students."
He hummed as an answer as he made his way to the entrance. Hirugami, as pretty much always, walked behind him. He didn't know why exactly though. Maybe it's a habit he developed, or he prefers things this way, but still, they look like that one duo where one guy is the "your average cool guy who has an ego so big that he can't fit in the building with that" and "his bro".

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