A gathering between classes

Start from the beginning

Some people were looking a bit uncomfortable. It is a bad thing to remember. I wonder how Kei is feeling right now? Even if she said that it wouldn't matter to her if her secrets were exposed at the rooftop, talking and it actually happening are different things.  She went through everyone learning it once, now it will be mentioned periodically. 

"Do you like swimming?" I asked her.

"Hmm. Well, I don't hate it, I guess. I haven't gone swimming for years now, so I've probably forgotten how."

 Karuizawa drank her tea and stared ahead as she replied. I could tell that wasn't how she really felt.

 "So, what, the guys want to make memories at the pool? You're obviously just planning to be perverts."

I couldn't deny that, actually. That was probably exactly their reasoning.

This brings me back to Sudo. I must choose what to do with him, there is a possibility I can salvage the situation and take expulsion from the table. He will show his worth in a bit. If I could recover from assault, I can save him too. The relationship between him and Horikita is a different matter though. I saw her half-naked once, but it was nothing sinister like this. She also certainly knows that he has a crush on her. 

Sudo's physical prowess is certainly high and his growth is still not finished. If there is a chance to somehow not have him expelled, I will seize it. Even if we aren't as close, he is still the first friend I made in this school. 

"So, what does this have to do with me?" asked Karuizawa.

"Before I answer that, let me ask you one thing. Does the school really not know that you were bullied before?"


Karuizawa looked puzzled for a moment, then turned to glare at me. Her polite façade was gone. I returned her stare.

"You know I don't want to talk about that, right?" she growled.

"I'm not reopening old wounds for no reason. I'm asking because it's relevant," I replied.

Ryuu looks to be the first one to realize where I am going. He focuses on what is shown more. I wonder how exactly he has tried to figure the system out. 

Some people are asking me questions about this, I just ignore them. They aren't my friends and I see no need to help other people on this front. 


This had to be a serious topic for Karuizawa. She seemed to come to a decision. 

"All right. I'm sure you must have a reason for this."She tried to swallow her anxieties.

"Karuizawa-san, why did you think he had a reason for it? I understand why people now would think so, but as far as I understand, you didn't interact much then." Asks Kanzaki. 

How curious, he didn't really ask any questions before. I just saw him talking with his classmates. Well, it certainly isn't bad that someone in Ichinose's class is taking me seriously. Ichinose not wanting to take me on as an enemy is good, I don't want to put her into that position too, but her class is suffering for it. If Kanzaki takes the front and has her as a support it is a win-win. She can still support the class and not tear herself up trying to fight me. 

It is better than her self-destructing because she can't make a choice or abandoning her class in a decisive moment. I don't want to see the aftermath of that, and I certainly don't want to honor my promise to her. I will do it if I must though.

Classroom of the elite: The upheaval of my ordinary life(Reaction)Where stories live. Discover now