"Really? He- he betrayed us?" a voice trembled, but it wasn't Wilbur.

It was Tommy.

He was standing in the doorway of the building. Niki was right behind him, and she was just as shocked as he was. Tommy's facial expressions changed all at once. From sad, to angry, to confused, to afraid, and then to numb. His angry personality faded away at this moment, and he stood there emotionless.

"He wanted you guys to think he was dead." I mumbled.

I tried not to look Tommy in the eyes. I might be against L'manberg, but seeing someone in pain, especially a young kid, hurt me a bit. He is so young, and he's the leader around here. Everyone relies on him, everyone trusts him. But the minute he trusts them, they betray him. The minute he makes one little mistake, they question his leadership. So much pain for someone so young. It's a shame, really. But it's not my problem.

There was silence, not even an angry comment from Tommy was said. Everyone just looked down to the ground in silence. Tommy gritted his teeth before running out. Wilbur's head stayed down, while Niki was now quietly sobbing with her hands over her mouth. She's so sensitive, so fragile. That's a bad thing to be in this world. You open up to someone, and they use it against you in the future. One day, Niki will realize this, and she will change.
It's only a matter of time.

"Tommy!" a voice yelled outside of the building. It was Quackity. I recognized it from when he yelled "INTRUDER" as he shot me. What an idiot.

"Quackity! Leave him, he just needs some space." Wilbur yelled out to Quackity. Quackity heard his voice and made his way into the building.

"What the hell is going on?!" he bellowed. He saw Niki silently crying, and he rested a hand on her back.

"Eret is alive." Wilbur emphasized. Quackity had the same reaction as everyone else.

Quackity didn't question any further. He just leaned against the wall and let his body drag against it until he was sitting.

There was no way I was going to be able to see Dream and Eret tonight. I can barely walk. I could just limp out of here though. I could go back to my underground base, away from Dream, away from Eret, away from L'amnberg. I could go back to my original plan. The only issue now is that they all know I exist. But I decided,

I leave tonight.

-:-:-:-Tommy POV-:-:-:-


No, he couldn't be alive. That girl is just saying it to get on my nerves. She's just saying it so she can dodge my question. But on the other hand, how would she even know Eret? Unless she knew him before?

So maybe she was telling the truth.

I was never close with Eret, but other people here were. If Eret really is alive, I need to find him. I need to ask him why he left us, why he left me.
I don't know why I care so much. I should be used to it by now. First Wilbur, then Dream, then Technoblade, and now I'm figuring out that Eret was the same as them as well. This- this feeling in my chest. It's like I'm being stabbed repeatedly at this moment. It's like all of my negative emotions are combining to make one big painful emotion. It's sadness, anger, fear, confusion, and apprehension all in one.

This isn't going the way I want it to go. I just want everything to go back to the way it was. I've always been the one to embrace change, but this, this is the most painful level of change. I want Eret back, I want the old Wilbur back, I want to have Techno back.

I want to feel loved again...

Even though Dream was manipulating me when we were "friends", I thought he cared about me. That was all I needed, to feel like someone cared about me. I just wanted someone to be there for me. I was always too busy being there for everyone, that I never had time to take care of myself. I did my very best to do what was best for all of them, and how did they repay me? They took a knife and stabbed me in the back. They threw me away...they left me!

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