19. Chances & Confusions

Start from the beginning

“No no no!! Advay will kill me.” Alok denied straight forwardly, pulling his hands up in surrender.

“Cheeku won't get to know a thing! Please Alok. Won't you fulfill a pregnant lady's wish?” She asked battling her eyelashes. 

He closed his eyes in frustration.

“Anjali you will catch cold! Doctor has advised not to eat too much ice cream. You are six months pregnant now!” 

“She hasn't! She advised to keep me happy and fulfill my wishes…” 

“God! Ladies!” He spoke irritated.

Tears brimmed in her eyes. He looked at her taken aback.

“Fine..  I won't eat ice cream from now on. I bother you right? I won't do it again…” Keeping her hand on her bump, she left his room slowly.

“Mood swings….” He muttered and ran his hand through his already messy hair.

Anjali was scrolling through tv channels, lying on her bed. Her back supported by headboard.

She was sad and felt lonely for the first time. Chandni, Payal, Khushi. No one was there. And now even Alok don't like her talking to him. She didn't ask Arnav and Advay to stay. Because then she will be clinging on to her brothers and they have their own problems to face. 

Negative thoughts started to make their way towards her. Shyam's betrayal played in her mind. Is she a failure as a wife? As a sister?Is she really a burden? On her family, brothers? Is she irritating? Clingy? 

She closed her and kept her head on the headboard to block such thoughts but that just increased them.

Does Alok really thought of her as a bother? He will never want a friend like her. He is just being good to her because she is Advay's sister. She can't even walk properly. How can he found her attractive? He will never like her. Moreover, she is pregnant. More unattractive.

Tears rolled down from the sides of her closed eyes.

‘Unattractive, bother, burden, useless, broken. You are a nothing Anjali. He will never like you.’ 

Alok opened Anjali's room door slowly and peeked in to see her lying down in the middle of her bed. He hid the ice cream cup behind his back and walked in slowly after closing the door.

“Anjali…” He called her gently as he sat beside her on the edge of the bed.

She jerked up, startled. Noticing her eyes he knew she was crying. 

‘Was she crying because of me?’

“Guess what I brought for you?” He asked smiling.

“What?” She asked monotonously, gazing at him.

“Anjali… What's wrong?” He asked looking at her changed demeanour.

“Nothing…” She replied.

“I brought you your favourite strawberry icecream.” He spoke, forwarding the cup to her.

“Thank you so much.” She took the cup and kept it on her bedside table.

“What happened Anjali?” He asked worried.

She shook her head.

“You were crying, weren't you? Was that because I got irritated back there? I am sorry if I made you feel that way. I-” 

“Alok, you don't have to say sorry. You got worked up due to me constantly clinging to you. Anyone will become irritated. It's okay.” She gave him a forced smile and laid down.

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