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"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
- c.s lewis


It was always quiet in the little coffee-shop on the corner of the main street.

Everyone always seemed to walk past it, not even noticing the bright pink curtains, or flickering neon sign that was nailed on the wall, just above the brown door. Maybe it had something to do with the name more sounding like a strip club than a coffeeshop.


Inside, the soft sound of piano music could be heard. A mixture of delicious smells always hung in the air, like... like coffee, mixed with the scent of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

Maisie Howell was glad no one ever seemed to notice the coffee-shop, as they never seemed to notice her. It was like she and the coffee-shop belonged together, as if they were destined to meet on that one rainy day Maisie hid inside to keep her books from getting wet.

From that day, she spent every free hour in the coffee-shop. It was the only place she could read, write and draw in silence, with no one bothering her.

You see, Maisie was the youngest of three, with an older brother and sister. Twins.

With her parents in a divorce, and her siblings growing up, there was barely space in the house for Maisie to do her own thing.

Which was, in fact, reading, writing and drawing.

She wasn't particulary good at writing, or drawing. But she enjoyed doing it, and that was all that mattered.

As for reading, well, she wouldn't know where she woud be without her books. Every week, at least two books were read, and three more bought. All her money got spent on books.

Books, and tea.

Tea was her favorite drink. It was hot, tasty, and she could drink as much of it as she'd like. Also, it wasn't expensive. Girls at her school often complained about the absurd price of coffee at Starbucks. Well, that wasn't a problem to her.

She didn't mind though. She loved spending money on things that made her happy. Books and tea, in this case. Especially fantasy books. Those were her favorites.

Today, the sun shone and the sky was blue. It was a beautiful day.

A beautiful day to sit inside and read.

As she did every day after school, Maisie went to the coffee-shop right away. She and the girl behind the counter exchanged their usual greeting (which excisted of a nod). Though she was here every day, she didn't know her name. Which was alright to her.

Today, she had brought aa new book. Freshly bought, all shiny and new. She couldn't help but smell the pages.

It was then that she noticed the boy.



Male human being?

This was strange, as it was usually just Maisie in the coffee-shop. She furrowed her brows, lowering her book, biting her lip as she stared at the stranger.

This was new.


Why would he suddenly be here? This was her secret place, where she could be alone.

Well, alone with the girl behind the counter. But she never bothered her.

Suddenly, the boy (man?) turned his head and a pair of green eyes stared right back at her.

She almost dropped her brand-new book.

He grinned at her, revealing his bright white teeth.

Her stomach knotted at the sight of him. Messy brown hair, piercing green eyes, a strong jaw. Massive eyebrows (like jesus, those were some eyebrows). She could do nothing but admit that he was rather good-looking.

His cheeks were stubbled, though he couldn't be older than twenty-two. Did that make him a man? His grin had been rather boyish...

But why would she care. It took her no effort at all to tear her gaze away from him, to the girl who now brought her her tea. After a quick thank you, she poured herself a cup of tea and started reading.

It took her seconds before she was completely lost in her own little world of magic, dragons and heroic warriors.

She left the shop when the sun had set, and the street-lanterns had flickered on to light up the dark streets. Before leaving to return to the chaos that was her home, she glanced at the table the man-boy had been sitting at. Curiosity.

And he was still sitting there.

And he was still looking at her.



jesus nina another lee pace fanfiction
im so uninspired for the other ones and im in a writing mood so eh why not

so yah pls read and lemme know what you think :3

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